"Reality is not a slave to your belief!" : NOVO |
Expand your horizons! |
Christianity Updated 16th June 2000 |
Hindu Updated 10th June 2000 |
In schools and churches a lot is fed to us that we easily accept as truth, but we should not do so without a little thought of our own. We should not be walking zombies without a mind of our own! Enter the Rock Temple... You will be offended if you are closed minded or enriched if you are open. These essays and links will take you on a trek into fields that most authoritarians will consider taboo. Be prepared to be shocked and also enriched! These essays will make you think. | ||||
(Featuring Mithraism, the origin of Christianity) |
Rock Temple |Majlish|NOVO1|NOVO2|NOVO3|Kashmir|ReligionQuest|ArchiveLinks|Ancient|Bangladesh| NOVO's Library |