Don't Give Up the Fight!!!
Amnesty International "Amnesty International is a worldwide campaigning movement that works to promote all the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international standards."

This is an organization dedicated to a harmonious and beautiful earth. They, in every way, dedicate their lives to our planet.

National Organization for Women (NOW)
An organization of women and men that works diligently to promote an America where everyone is treated with respect and dignity.

Appreciate safe working conditions? Or being able to call in sick? How about getting a lunch break? Ever thought about why you get these luxuries. It's because of the countless brothers and sisters that have fought for your rights. Check it out..get the facts, learn what you can do to help.

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. This is a great site! It contains things like: education summit, census 2000, supreme court, report card, etc.

Habitat for Humanity
This organization helps those in need build homes for their families. They need volunteers, donations, whatever you can do.

ACLU: Gay and Lesbian Rights This is the American Civil Liberties Union's site devoted to equality for all, regardless of sexual orientation. A lot of political, social and legal info to check out..lots of other info too.

Red Cross
I bet you have no idea all the contributions the Red Cross makes to the world. They help from house fires to disaster relief to life-saving techniques. Definately worth lending a hand to.

Animal welfare/Rights/Humane/Rescue Organizations
This site is absolutely packed with links! It's all about sites that deal with the humane treatment of animals, their rights, their welfare and so on. Hey, not to sound like Bob Barker here, but in Tallahassee alone, they put over 6000 animals to sleep last year because people didn't spay and neuter their pets. We need to encourage this so that 6000 more don't die this year!

Index of Native American Resources on the Internet
This site has soooo much!! It completely rocks my world. I'd suggest you start here if this is an area that interests you at all!

I belonged to AmeriCorps NCCC in 94-95. It was a completely life changing, broadening, and awaking experience. This is a program that repeatedly faces elimination by Capital Hill. Fashioned after the Conservation Community Corps of the 30s, AmeriCorps takes volunteers from across the country and either places them nationally and locally. These volunteers do everything from mentoring at-risk youth to building safe trails in our national parks to fire fighting. Don't let them cut this program! Show some interest!!
This is a great site for women. It's very empowering and offers a lot of things.

Female Genital Mutilation
This site gives a lot of information about the pratice of mutilating a young female's genitals. A good starting point of this is an issue that concerns you.

Floridians for Medical Marijuana
This site offers facts, information, ways to speak out and volunteer. Even if you're not in Florida, the information is worth checking out.

I'm constantly adding links, so keep checking back!!!
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