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Awakening Your Light Body
...dedicated to the next evolutionary leap for our planet and its inhabitants.
World Service Organization
Life Purpose & Life Work
We all have a purpose. Life Purpose vs. Life Work.
Life Purpose / Life Work We all have a reason for being and a contribution to make. Your contribution may simply be to be the most loving person you can be. Or it may be to invent forms and discover abilities that have yet to be manifest in this world. Whatever your life purpose, as you begin to believe more and more that your contribution is uniquely important, you will begin to become aware at an even deeper level, with greater precision and greater clarity just what that purpose is. And as you manifest that purpose in greater and greater ways you begin to see the true perfection of the universe... the support that it brings... and the sense of well-being you create for yourself and for others.
Our life work is distinct of our life purpose. For our life work can change many times throughout our lifetime while our life purpose always remains the same.
Clues to our life work can be found in many places. Elements and aspects of our life work can be found in the things we loved to do as children. They can be found in things we enjoy and love to do now. And they can be found in the things we would choose to do in those moments where we allow ourselves to experience a life with no obligations, expectations, or fears.
Our life work often encompasses those things that we would do even if we weren't paid to do it. It is for this reason many find they are challenged to believe that doing what they love to do will bring them enough money to support themselves (or in some instances ANY money at all). Because our life work is inherently service to others, some choose to turn away from their life work because it does not offer enough prestige. For some it is a challenge to believe in their ability to perform their life work in a manner that is worthy of payment. And still others believe a life of work in service means doing without for themselves. They believe that to truly be of service their life path must be a path of poverty and sacrifice. But all these beliefs are simply not true. The things our hearts guide us to do, the things we truly enjoy doing are gifts of abundance from the universe to us that we can only honor when we choose to give them in return. Believing that we have a valuable contribution to make. Trusting that as we give, so shall we receive many times what we have given. For when we honor ourselves and the universe by sharing these gifts, we demonstrate in action and deed that we are ready to be honored with even greater gifts.
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The universe is a safe and friendly place.
The universe nurtures your growth, loves you for who you are, and supports your success. This is the natural state of the universe. So even though you may be experiencing challenges or situations in your life right now that lead you to sometimes believe otherwise, allow yourself to trust that as you focus on and create your life work and align with your life purpose you move into a flow that becomes this natural state of beingness, grace and perfection. For those who continue to experience challenges that act to block your path and the manifestation of your life work in its highest form there are many useful techniques that may be employed to assist you in your growth and in becoming all that you came here to be. To assist you, we have included one of the more powerful of these techniques, Dissipating Glamour, as part of our section entitled Dissolving Challenges. You can perform this technique by yourself or with a group, or you can join us each Sunday as we connect with others to hold a focus that acts to dissipate these energies that are said to block humanity from a fuller experience of their true nature and potential.
We are all here to learn.
Everything we do, everyone we encounter, everything that occurs in our lives presents us with opportunities to learn, opportunities to love ourselves more, and opportunities to love others more. This could be considered the master life purpose of us all. In addition, each of us has a more
specific individual purpose to our lives. Certain hurdles we are here to leap. Certain challenges we are here to overcome. The more we allow ourselves to know about our life purpose and the specific challenges we have to overcome, the more we can take actions in our lives that are aligned with our life purpose, and the more easily we can flow with life rather than "against" it.
For Your Convenience
For more information on discovering your life purpose, please see our Recommended Reading or visit QuantumNEXT for a selection of books and tapes that can help you accomplish this worthwhile goal.
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Allow yourself to affirm... "I know what I love to do and I do it well. As I do what I love, money and abundance flow freely and effortlessly into my life."
Recommended Reading
THE LIFE YOU WERE BORN TO LIVE: A Guide to Finding Your Life Purpose by Dan Millman
Please visit the online Book Store at the Planetary Commission on health, well-being & abundance
or look for more books and tapes at your area spiritual bookstore or simply visit QuantumNEXT.
Share your insights... Share your positive, uplifting experiences... Share your life purpose and what it means to you, and what you believe others can do to allow a greater sense of life purpose into their lives
and into the lives of others every day...

...dedicated to the next evolutionary leap of our planet and all its inhabitants.
Home | Table of Contents | About us | Frequently Asked Questions | Our Vision | Emerging Trends | Our Plan | Our Partnership | A Summary | What's Next? | Awakening Your Light Body | light body teachers | Life Purpose / Life Work | Sharpen Your Focus | Dissolving Challenges | Dissipating Glamour | Meditations / Classes | local time | Spring Festival of Love | Spring Festival of Light | Spring Festival of Goodwill | Universal Laws for the thriving Enterprise | Enterprise Consulting | QuantumNEXT | Planetary Commission | health | well-being | abundance | Thunder of Peace | Peace | More Teachers, Healers & Leaders | Additional healers | Recommended Reading | Book Store | Shopping | Other Sites on the World Wide Web | Internet Search | Message Board | Meeting Center | Guest Book | Share | Submit a Site | Contact us
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