West Essex Junior High School

Spanish Resources


$ El Dinero 1999 $

Foreign Exchange Rates

Notes About Currency and Rates of Various Countries



Curency Exchange/Bank/Coin Notes


Spain Today

Everything You Need To Know About Travellers Checks, Credit Cards, Duties, and Taxes


The Universal Currency Converter


Converts Money to Spanish Currency


Stamped Paper and Other Official Stationery

Pictures of Stamped Paper


Spanish Currency

Spanish Currency: All About Pesetas


General Data of the Dominican Republic

Notes About Currency and Exchange



Pictures and Write-Ups of Medieval Coins, Modern and Contemporary Coins and Their Significance


The Interactive Currency Table


Interactive Converter


Banknotes of Madrid

Pictures of Old Banknotes


Dinero Digital


All About Credit Cards


General Information About the Dominican Republic

Pictures of Money and General Information


Loteria-Museo Casa de Moneda de Madrid

Pictures of Lottery Tickets and Information About Spanish Lottery


Por: Elena M., Coleta C. y Maria B.

Write to/Escribe a konner@worldnet.att.net

Last updated el 22 febrero 1999