"Barn Raising"is a time when a new farmer entered a town and all of the
area's inhabitants came together to build a *barn or (*house).
  At sun up the men convened and started their day's work. No one stopped until
sundown, when the barn would usually be finished. Through long hours of
sweat and toil, men used manual power
to produce their barn. Due to the time period, there were not many advanced
technologies. Other than man power, horses were a chief source of power
behind the barn raising. Horses
were useful when pulling or pushing large beams that men were not able to
handle. The beams or wood were held together by wooden pegs. Screws,
nails and strong reinforcements were not
in use at the beginning of this tradition. During this stressful and tiresome
situation, the females (wives, mothers, sisters and
daughters) prepared a feast for the working men. Small children would be
seen playing, with dolls or others, and watching their fathers and the other
men work hard. All of the activity during
this day was centered around the barn raising.
 This tradition has always remained alive
even to this day . One more notable example *Barn Raising is a sort of Hybrid
started by Former President Jimmy Carter and his Organization calles Habitat for Humanity Int'l -- True Stories

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