House in Tulsa Page Four
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This view is looing back toward the back of the house where the old double window was located.  You can see here the double door closet.  I should have used my flash, it's not a very good pic.

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Here is a view of the new bathroom, looking in from the den area.  There is also a door that enters it from the bedroom.

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This pic is of the garage.   In the spring of 98, I completely stripped all the paint off of it and repainted.   It was really in bad shape.  I also tore off the old rusted roof and put on this new roof.

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Here is a view of the garage from the driveway.  When we pored the footing for the addon, we also pored a floor in the garage and the pad you can see in front of it.  Mom, Dad, Doug, and his son Devin helped me pore the concrete.  I personally was up till after 2 in the morning finishing out the concrete.   I also tore down the old shed that was on the garage and built a new one.  You really cannot see it very well in this pic.

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