Vulgar's Thoughts




animals are something we often take for granted. We kill them profusely in our pursuit to grow, to expand, to procreate, to flourish. As we make room for ourselves, we lose valuable land which I believe wasn't created for man. Animals are more in tune with nature than man will ever hope to be.

They were here first but unfortunately with the way things are going, they will not last. (The forests are being destroyed, the oceans and air being polluted, and the soil filled with toxins.) Humans have no part in the food chain, therefore, we place ourselves at the top. We made it up, so why not? don't you find this odd? all animals have their place in this chain except man. Are we animal? man has killed animals for thousands of years. In the most recent years, man has killed for sport. Man also breeds animals specifically for slaughter to eat... killing for ingestion.

These animals are killed at their prime age. Imagine if you were killed at your prime age. Prime cuts of this and prime cuts of that. Billions of animals are killed each year for food. In our society meat is the main dish. One way to cut back on the consumption of meat would be to regulate each persons intake. Another way would be not to use the animals as meat until they die naturally. Although many people would argue that the meat would not be as good, or as lean as it is now.

This would be a definite way to stop the numerous butchering and over packed slaughter houses. If the meat isn't as good as it is now, less people would eat it and be forced to find alternative healthier ways to get the nutrients that meat provides. Animals are housed in horrible conditions and killed in horrific fashions, only to serve man's need for meat. In the future, animals will be nothing more than freak shows at the circus. Man's expansion has no room for the native animals. Don't get me wrong... I'm far from vegetarian but the atrocities committed against animals has to be stopped.



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