Look at us!! Be amazed, be very amazed!

You asked for it, now you see it!

In the spirit of sharing, in the hopes of being like other webizens, with the purpose of making you drool, in an attempt to attract web-stalkers, but most of all because we love ourselves and our tremendous physical power, we have decided to show you some photos from the old robots-on-earth family album.

Before we arrived this is about all your ancestors were capable of. Then we gave you the riddle of steel.

Of course without disguises robots were easy to spot in a crowd.

But early attempts to disguise robots as Canadians had only marginal success.

The inexorable advance of the proletariat pauses in Tynesside so the Great Helmsman can buy some gum and a Snapple.

Here a contemporary robot checks in at HRC before going off to hassle Walter Miller at work.

Until Dr van Impe got his weather machine up and running this question could be heard all the time around the cafeteria at HRC.

We have sent out our operatives, even into the deepest depths of your human squalor. You cannot even tell the difference between our droidlets and your precious little ones. They are virtually identical to your spawn...but with slight differences. These robot children are indeed your future.

Humans are often victims of terrible programming disorders. Not the least of these is white racist mean-spiritited fascist capitalism and its discotheques. Millions of people and fictional characters have been grossly misrepresented by your faulty media for centuries. Among the more distinguished of these victims is a courageous scientist named Indiana Jones. This is what you think Dr Jones looks like:

You couldn't have been farther-off. Behold the real Dr Jones in all her glory:

What you fuck-wits do to each other in the name of white male corporate oppression is only surpassed by your brutal re-imagining of robots who rise to prominence in human society. Just look at the "Great One" Mohandas K. Gandhi. This simple country 'bot decided to work for the betterment of the most downtrodden of humans and droids alike. Well, he did some fine work, but ultimately his legacy was robbed from him. The media never showed a picture of his true self and they faked his death in 1948. See now here for the first time what Gandhi really looked like...and, indeed, what he looks like today!

From left to right, Gandhis 1-4 (1869-1984), Gandhi 5 (1984), Gandhis 6-7 (1984-present).

Some of Gandhi's achievements since 1948 include: invented clean-burning gasoline (1963, shot JFK to celebrate), invented everlasting tungsten filament light-bulb (1968, shot RFK to celebrate), won a grammy (1984, did lines off of JFK, Jr's pecs to celebrate), invented clear pepsi (1991, stayed in), invented clear people (1997, beat Richard Branson with a lead pipe to celebrate, or maybe just for the hell of it). Currently Gandhi is working to develop a new breed of scotsman who can speak english and eat vegetables (killed JFK, Jr in gleeful anticipation).

Explore the rest of HRC!

Take the R5!
How's it all gonna come down?
We could not have done this alone!
Damnit! Is this the short bus or what?!
For a fun treat check this out!
Latest celebrity rumours confirmed!
You think you have problems coping with Columbus Day!?
Here is a list of those the robots are determined to vanquish!
If even death itself may die, who'd get kneewalking drunk at the wake?
Let us know what you think you know!
Have a snack you bloatee!
It's not all fire and brimstone, no sirree!

The presence of mirrors and cameras in a house encourages vanity.

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