
My Football Page

No pencilnecks allowed!

I played football for 7 years. I played several different positions, but they were all on the offensive and defensive lines. When Madden brings up the subject of "smash- mouth" football any lineman in the country can tell you what he's talking about. I was all-conference, all-district, and honorable mention all-state at the strong guard and noseguard positions. I declined a scholarship offer to play football for tiny Sterling College in Kansas, which I later regretted (don't ask about it!). Although I no longer play, I still love watching football. In Oklahoma and Texas football is king, and my father brought me up as a pure Dallas Cowboys and Oklahoma Sooners fan. I've stuck with both teams through good and bad, and it's brought me a great deal of satisfaction.

My Favorite Teams

The Dallas Cowboys

I've cheered for the Cowboys since I first learned the rules of football. The Cowboys have been to an unprecedented 9 Super Bowls, and they've won five of them. My favorite Cowboy "moments" were when the Cowboys beat the heavily favored Broncos in 1977 by the score of 27-10 (remember Lyle Alzado and the "Orange Crush"?), and when Jimmy Johnson made his famous statement/question, "How 'bout them Cowboys?" after winning his first Super Bowl in 1992.

This was a pretty tough year for Cowboys fans. Not a helluva lot to root about. But, on the other hand, we COMPLETELY ruined the Redskins year (again...hehe) which makes it not so bad. I'm willing to give Dave Campo the benefit of the doubt even though the Boys went 5-11...the team PLAYED hard, but injuries and a combination of both old players and inexperienced players added up to a pretty crappy team. You know what Scarlett O'Hara says , "After all, tomorrow is another day!"

The Oklahoma Sooners

I've been cheering for the Sooners for about as long as I've cheered for the Cowboys. The first game I remember watching them play was against Michigan in the 1975 Orange Bowl, which they won with a score of 14-7. They won the national championship that year, and I also watched them win a national championship in 1985, which featured the greatest option quarterback (Jamelle Holieway) I've ever seen. The Sooners have fallen on hard times the last few years, mostly due to poor decisions by Donnie Duncan (athletic director), and especially when they hired John Blake, who was undoubtedly the worst coach in OU history.

That is until Bob Stoops came to town. Stoops troops marched to a nice 7-5 record (which could've easily been 9-3) last year. That led to high expectations by the Sooner faithful. But what happened this year was more than even the most optimistic Sooner fans could expect.

This year the Sooners started hot, and raced almost opposed to an 8-0 record...shooting all the way up from #19 to #1. After OU dismantled the softies UTEP and Arkansas St the sportwriters weren't impressed. And they STAYED unimpressed until OU went to Dallas and completely wiped out the Bevoids 63-14. Nice. VERY VERY NICE. It was cool because I was home visiting my dad and I told him before the game "It would be nice if OU racked up, say, 63 points on Texas today". Well, good things happen to those that wait. And yadda yadda, we won the rest of the games to go 13-0. Anyway, that makes 7 national championships for the Sooners. Stick that in your corncob pipe Cornshuckers!

Be sure to click on the "Oklahoma Sooners" above, it leads to an excellent site with details on EVERY Sooner season in their history, plus many other details. Wonka put a lot of work into his site and it shows!


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