21 Questions for you

21 Questions for you

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First name:

What is your age?

What is your favorite word?

What inspires and excites you?

What turns you on?

What noise/sound do you love?

What noise/sound do you hate?

What is your favorite curse word?

Name your favorite food:

Complete this sentence: “People don’t know I ____.”

What movie/film do you never tire of?

At what time of the day are you at your best?

What one thing has given you nightmares?

What is one physical quality that you think everyone should have?

What are your best two qualities?

What are your two worst qualities?

What physical feature do you get complimented on most often?

What physical trait do you find appealing on a girl/guy?

Whom do you truly admire?

Name two things you would never do

If you could ask God just one question, what would it be?
