I love my job

Ok, you asked for it and now you have it. Here is a picture of my beautiful self resting at the pool I lifeguard at during the summer with my little pink boat. Impressive, huh?

Get down!!!

Me and my buddy Ed at a party a few months ago. "Mommy, why are those two boys wearing girl's swim suits?" The answer, to make the world a happier place.

sexy, sexy!!

Me and Dave having fun at the pool. Who would have though talking on the phone could be so fun?

panda  panda

My dream come TRUE!!! No your eyes are not playing tricks on you. It's me and a panda. What could be happier.

Oh Baby

Me and lil Ed. Don't I look pretty. Hey, I'm man enough to wear make-up. Plus, it brings out the color of my eyes.


Like my friend Dave said, I don't have a clue what we were thinking in this picture.

Me, Brett, and the Beast

Me, Brett, and the Beast getting ready to take off for the beach.

My Room

This is my dorm room at Longwood. The picture is from last year but I'm in the same room now and it more or less looks the same.

Bob the penquin

Yes, it is the same room, just the other side. Can you find Bob?

Lots o' liquor

Our bar when we went down to the beach this summer. Very little came back.

Potato Dogs

My dogs Shaggy and Patches.

Evil Carrie

Ok, this is Carrie. I don't believe she is that happy. Of course, would you be happy if your friends came running in your place of work and started taking pictures. Even so, everybody still loves Carrie.

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