
I am a post-doctoral research associate working with Professor John M. Torkelson at Northwestern University.  My current research interests are novel polymer blends and nanocomposites processed via an innovative process called solid-state shear pulverization.

I completed my Ph.D. degree in Chemical and Materials Engineering at Princeton University in January 2006, under the guidance of Professor Richard A. Register.   My Ph.D. thesis topic was structure-property relationships in semicrystalline copolymers and ionomers.

I attended University of Pennsylvania for my undergraduate education, where I double-majored in Chemical (and Biomolecular) Engineering and Materials Science & Engineering.  I was co-advised by Professors Warren D. Seider and Russel J. Composto.

For more information, please refer to my curriculum vita.  It is available in a pdf format from the left navigation bar.  For other useless personal information, click on the "extra information" link.

Katsuyuki (Kat) Wakabayashi

Post-Doctoral Associate, Torkelson Research Group


Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering

McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science, Northwestern University

E136 Technological Institute

2145 Sheridan Road

Evanston, IL 60628-3120, U.S.A.

Contact Information:


Telephone: +1 847-467-2721

Facsimile: +1 847-491-3728

Email: katwak-at-northwestern.edu

Personal Information


Curriculum Vita (PDF)


Extra Information