Welcome to my Guestbook!

Brian Denny - 06/11/00 21:43:15

I like it. Some of your messages are hitting home right now in my life. I like to see web pages that are updated as much as possible.

- 06/03/00 08:31:37


Adri - 01/10/00 23:44:37
My Email:iluvsoccer84@juno.com

Awesome dude!!!Now that you know my e-mail address write me!

Dena Stevanus - 12/24/99 16:35:45
My URL:http://never
My Email:mstevanus@compuserve.com

Hey, Jeremy! Nice web site you have....but Landon's is better.=) Just kiddin', they're both cool. Bye!

Archdude Yoder (the great) - 12/15/99 12:48:35
My URL:http://www.cheese.com
My Email:Yodertk@maf.org

Great new improvements! The new look is more neat (organized), and in general a pleasure to look at! The Albania page is especially spiffy, but the flag you used looked pretty farmiliar!!!! Didn't you know it's copyright?! Just kidding.:) more power t ya! Landon

mary - 11/29/99 23:51:15
My Email:hess13@juno.com

A great Web page!! Great report on Albania! Seems like a long time since I saw you or even talked to you!! Maybe I will actually be at DOCside this coming Saturday to help out at the outreach at the trailer park!!! Blessings, Mary

mary - 11/29/99 23:48:21
My Email:hess13@juno.com


Troy Egbert - 11/26/99 04:05:14
My Email:tke@socket.net

Man your head looks big. love ya and continue to lift you in prayer thank for the encouragement on this web page.

Landon!! - 10/23/99 15:34:31
My URL:/heartland/cabin/7696/landon.htm
My Email:You know my Email address!!!!

Hey Jerimo! Your DOC side page sais it'll be done in a few days.... Whats up?!?! Landon&Jonny

Landon!! - 10/23/99 15:33:46
My URL:http://geocities.com/heartland/cabin/7696/landon.htm
My Email:You know my Email address!!!!

Hey Jerimo!

Mom Yoder - 08/07/99 21:08:27
My URL:http://www.not yet
My Email:yodertk@maf.org

Hey this is great. Do you actually ever read this thing? Great pictures of Permet. We're waiting yet for the pictures of DOCside. By the way, we hear you will be getting a new room mate sometime. Or are they going to make YOU move!!!!??

Trey & Landon - 08/05/99 19:54:45
My Email:Tryals15@yahoo.com

Hey Jeremy,you weasel! I'm here at Trey's house and surfin the web... Impressive page! Aren't you going to update it though? (the last Alb. visit!) Tell me when you see this..... Trey writes: Hi. Nice web site. I just temporaraly finished my site, it's <> check it out. Landon says your a cool weasel. Singned, Me and He

Trey & Landon - 08/05/99 19:48:00


Jen - 07/24/99 05:38:50
My Email:Punkithead@collegeclub.com

Hey Jarmie, I would love to hear about Albania. The Highland Staff has been praying for you and the others. I am having an AWESOME time at camp. We have yet three weeks to go. I am now an EMU student. I am very excited. I have been praying about it daily. I know this is where God wants me. My parents are ecstatic about it. Well, I've been yappin to good 'ol Hevener and I believe we're EXCITED about PURPLE DOOR!!! I hope you are plannin on it! I'm tryin to get me friend Lana to come...so I'm not the only Gal. Well, I must go, this evening I just drove my friend home to St arts Draft, cause her parent is very ill, driving three hours is LONG, and I am somewhat rambling and not spelling things correctly.cause it's 1:36 in the morn.....so..GOOD NIGHT JEREMY! In Christ Jen

Adam Sharp - 07/20/99 02:46:30
My Email:ihavedocside@hotmail.com

Cool page. Talk to you later.

Jennifer Huckaby - 07/12/99 21:21:43
My Email:jhuckaby@stsi.net

For some odd reason I believe you to be not a human being from earth.. Instead you must have been sent from heaven above. You are the kindest, sweetest spirit around.. I love you with all of my love. I'm proud to have been there to see you grow up into th young man you have..Always follow God in all that you do. Love Aunt Ninnie

Amanda Huckaby(??????????) - 07/12/99 17:52:09
My Email:Jhuckaby@stsi.net

Hay,,I really like your useless webpage.Though there is just one more useless thing I think you ought to add,to it.!!ME!!Your favorite cousin in all the world.At least I hope so. love ya Amanda

Amanda Huckaby(??????????) - 07/12/99 17:51:53
My Email:Jhuckaby@stsi.net

Hay,,I really like your useless webpage.Though there is just one more useless thing I think you ought to add,to it.!!ME!!Your favorite cousin in all the world.At least I hope so. love ya Amanda

Leia - 07/08/99 04:11:24
My Email:wowzas@punkrock.com

Woooohooo! What a page! Great graphics & sound. Shewt. Nah, but fer reels, it was amusing & good. Love ya!

Nathan W. - 07/06/99 00:44:59
My Email:Drumrnate@aol.com

Jeremy, this webpage is completely useless and worthless. I've never seen anything so stupid in all my life. Don't you have anything better to do than sit at that place you call a home and make something this dumb!?!?!?!? And, of course, you know that am completely lying about all this stuff. :-) It's a pretty cool webpage. Take care and God bless!

Shawn Aldrich(snuff) - 07/03/99 20:10:26
My Email:shawnaldrich@rica.net

sup home slice.Bobby Joe Bobby,snuff

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