We offer free e-mail and on-line classes in a variety of subjects.
Merry Meet and Welcome to A Pagan Learning Group [APLG].
          Come join us on the wonderful adventure of ideas shared!  This is our home page which houses Class Notes, our Grimoire, the Campus Bookstore and group information (to name a bit) - available for all to enjoy, in printable format.  This site is proudly brought to you by The Live Oak Experiential Church, a community of open minded individuals, with a thirst for knowledge and a desire to share.

A Pagan Learning Group was founded on: 02/17/99  |  This site was originally created on: 02/20/99 | In March we had 836 visitors to our site.
Last update to this site:  04/10/99
 You are guest number    to this site since 04/01/99
Enjoy a little music.
Subscribe to The Live Oak Church's Pagan Learning Group 
Enter your e-mail address: 
apaganlearninggroup archive 
An e-group hosted by eGroups.com 

        This is our upgraded page, trying to make things easier for everyone to find.  Let us know what you think or send suggestions to: APLG Site Manager
Click on "Available Classes"
to see the current listings.
Available Classes 
Click on "Available Classes"
to see the current listings.
APLG's Campus Book Store
Lots of Free Stuff
& things you can buy.
Click here or
on the moon to enter.
Enjoy Some More Music
This will keep changing so
listen to what we found for you.
(repeating midi files)
Just click the words above
and enjoy.
Come meet and see
APLG's Staff Members,
just click and take a look.
 Teacher's Information,
just click and go.
Visit Our Site Grimoire,
just click here and go.
 How Do E-Mail
Classes Work?
To find out, just
click here and go.
APLG News Letter
Coming Soon.
 Burbs time zone converter
APLG is meeting for chat at NightMoon.  Click on **CHAT** above to go to
the member sign-in page.
the Staff: 
Site Administrator and Founder
Welcoming / Concierge
News Letter Editor 'N Chief
Teaching Coordinator
If ya be a Scotsman,
If ya wanna be a Scotsman,
If ya know a Scotsman,
Or if ya just wanta giggle,
Click here
(takes a while to load)
The Live Oak Experiential Church is proud to be both a participant
and sponsor of this GREAT project.  A Goddess on EVERY block.
Just click the banner to go to their home page and  find out more about the Goddess 2000 Project.

As a Sponsor we will be building a series of web pages, on this site, dedicated to the Goddess.  These pages will house our group's, church's and area's creations to honor Her.  We would like to see the creative process as well as the finished project.  Send in pictures (in jpg, gif, or bmp), along with a brief description and we'll post it here.  WE ARE VERY EXCITED ABOUT THIS PROJECT!  Please send submissions to:  liveoakchurch@juno.com
Click here to watch our pages grow.

  Pages On This Site:
  Back to the Top  |  Home Page  |  Basic Page Index  |  Campus Bookstore  |  Class List  |  E-Mail Class Instruction Site Grimoire  |  Our Tribute to The Goddess  |  News Letter  |  APLG Staff Teacher's Info   |   Chat Instruction

Class List
Herbalism 101 (preparation)  |  PathWorking  |  Ritual Design  |  Wicca 101

Other Sites Linked To From Here:
Live Oak Church  |  eGroups.com  |  Goddess 2000 Project  |  Wiccan Ware

Using:  GoTo.com  |  Amazon.com  |  Barnes & Noble  |  QSound  |  Reel.com  |  Egghead.com