Pneumatikos Original Music

This graphic taken from an actual stone in the Wailing Wall of Herod's Temple

An Easter Cantata

Song Playing:   "I Come to Light the World"
by Paul A. Hughes

from the Easter Cantata "The Secret"

Note:   General MIDI required for accurate playback.

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Play or download MIDI file "I Come to Light the World" (John 12:44, 46-49) (light.mid)

If any man hear my words,
And believe not,
I judge him not,
For I came not to judge the world,
But to save it.

I come to light the world,
That he who would believe
No longer walk in darkness;
I come to light the world.

He that believes in me,
Believeth not in me,
But on the One who sent me;
He that believes in me.

He that receiveth not my word
Hath One that judgeth him;
The words that I have spoken here
Shall judge him in the End;
I have not spoken of myself:
The Father, who sent me,
Hath given me commandment
What to say and speak to thee.

I come to light the world,
That he who would believe
No longer walk in darkness;
I come to light the world.

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Rev. Paul A. Hughes, M.Div., is an ordained minister, Bible teacher, writer, musician, and songwriter. He is available nationally for pulpit ministry, Bible teaching, singles seminars, Holy Spirit conferences, and music ministry.

©1997, 2002 Paul A. Hughes
Last updated April 2003.  For more information, comments, or suggestions, write or