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Original Christian Music

Note:   General MIDI required for accurate playback.

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Play or download MIDI file "I've Been Waiting for So Long"

(A song especially for single Christians)

I've been waiting for so long
For a message out of heaven,
Never dreaming He was leading me
To someone quite like you.

(Verse unfinished)

After all the times I've tried
To make something 'magic' happen,
He was leading to someone like you --
Now I know I wasn't wrong
After waiting for so long.

(Song unfinished)

Song Index
Song Index


Rev. Paul A. Hughes, M.Div., is an ordained minister, Bible teacher, writer, musician, and songwriter. He is available nationally for pulpit ministry, Bible teaching, singles seminars, Holy Spirit conferences, and music ministry.

©1991, 2002 Paul A. Hughes
Last updated April 2003. For more information, comments, or suggestions, write or