Interview With The Tiger

(Tiger Electronics President, that is!)


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Roger with a Bengal Tiger Furby

On Monday, the 21st of June, 1999, we had the oppurtunity of chatting with Tiger Electronics President, Roger Shiffman. The first section of the interview was about toys in general, and since this is a Furby website we've cut that bit out and just kept all the rest which is all about Furby! Some very interesting information here, and to make it less confusing we've edited the last part slightly (when the room was opened up it was a bit chaotic!). If you'd like to read the transcript of the entire interview, visit MSN web communties, which also has some really good articles about Furby.

Who's Who

Host Ira_MSN : host of the chat, he's from MSN.

Additional Hosts: recognised by the word "Host" in front of their name!

TigerRoger: Roger Shiffman, President of Tiger Electronics!

Topsy_Furby: That's Drew, the creator of Topsy Furby! (P.S. she's a chick!)

Ali_Furby: Ali, owner of Furby Etc

Laura: Owner of Ring 'O Furbys

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(c) 1999 The MSN Shopping Community . Re-posted with permission.


Host Ira_MSN says: Lets talk about Furby! How did Furby come to your company?

TigerRoger says: We were looking to advance the interactive play starting with the Giga Pets, but at a popular price point. It seemed difficult at best so we went to the outside inventor community to indicate what we were looking for.

TigerRoger says: Thanks to a great relationship with a key player in the inventor community we were connected to Dave Hampton and Caleb Chung who promised and ultimately delivered what we needed to produce this phenomenon.

Host Ira_MSN says: From Laura: The story of Furby Cloud and its inhabitants coming to Earth lends itself well to an animated TV series. (Though more English would have to be incorporated into the Furby language.) Is Tiger planning to license the Furby character for this use?

TigerRoger says: Furby is presently is actually represented by CAA in Hollywood and we are close to signing and announcing a business relationship that should lead in this direction.

Host Ira_MSN says: From Furby Fan: How about those Booper's Furby Bloopers?

TigerRoger says: LOVE EM' keep them coming Booper!

Host Ira_MSN says: Any favorite in particular?

TigerRoger says: We love so many of them it's hard to pick a favorite, but we like the Academy Award one and the one where Furby was looking for computer bugs.

Host Ira_MSN says: When will we see some new technology in Furby? Will there be any type of redesign for Furbys in the future?

TigerRoger says: We are constantly updating and enhancing our product as new technology becomes affordable. Keep watching for more news later.

Host Ira_MSN says: Where do you see the Furby technology in 2 years from now?

TigerRoger says: Further enhanced, taking advantage of advances in AI technology and lower cost memory products.

Host Ira_MSN says: Did you ever realize or predict that Furby would become such a popular toy?

TigerRoger says: The moment I saw the Furby prototype I think we all realized that this would be a significant success. It was further reinforced at our February Toy Fair when the Buyers reacted so incredibly well to it. We then knew that it was going to be gigantic but

TigerRoger says: we still had no idea just how much the press would embrace and help propel Furby into becoming a pop icon worldwide.

Host Ira_MSN says: From Furby Fan: What toy should we plan on getting for the kids real EARLY this fall before they sell out?

TigerRoger says: There are a few important Tiger items you should plan for now, including Laser Tennis, Furby Babies and without a doubt Interactive Yoda.

Host Ira_MSN says: From Furby Fan: When can you tell us more about Yoda?

TigerRoger says: How about now?

Host Ira_MSN says: Yes!

Host nonstop says: From furbylover87, when will the Furby babies come to the stores?

TigerRoger says: First, babies..... they will be taking America by storm late this summer. Look for exciting news and a major launch soon.

TigerRoger says: Regarding Yoda, we are thrilled at the progress being made in the development of Yoda. We have already recorded the voice of Frank Oz!!!

TigerRoger says: The vocabulary of Yoda will be significantly greater than any previous product, as one would expect from an 800 year old Jedi Master. Much more details to follow in the near future, keep watching our Star Wars web site at:

Host Ira_MSN says: From Ali: Where did you get the ideas for the animal color patterns and fur? Will there be any different styled Furbys (like with arms or legs) in the future, or a redesign.

TigerRoger says: We wanted a palette of colors that were from the animal kingdom for all early Furbys to establish lifelike qualities. The character is firmly established and universally loved that the only changes in Furby will continue to be fur patterns and colors and electronic enhancements.

Host Ira_MSN says: Crystal31..Could you give us more information about the Gizmo Furby as well?

TigerRoger says: Gizmo is a very exciting character and we have just finished recording Howie Mandel, the original voice from the Gremlins movie for our product. Gizmo will even interact with all existing Furby's

Host Ira_MSN says: Topsy_Furby asks.. Are limited editions Furbys ever going to see the light of day in Australia? Example Spring Furby. When will the babies be released in Australia?

TigerRoger says: Starting with a future special edition, international locales will receive some product.

Host Ira_MSN says: When can we see this on store shelves? Will there ever be Australian type animals as Furbys, like Koala Bears etc.

TigerRoger says: There may be a koala colored version, but no redesign of the basic Furby look.

TigerRoger says: Thanks, we love A&F too!!

Host Ira_MSN says: CRussMason...I understand that Tiger is coming out with a handheld version of Concentration. When can we see this on store shelves?

TigerRoger says: You are right, and it should be on the shelves in just a few weeks, as will Hollywood squares and our new deluxe versions of family feud and Jeopardy'.

Host Ira_MSN says: Is it true that Furby was banned from the Pentagon?

TigerRoger says: Not the Pentagon, but the National Security Agency inadvertently circulated a message claiming that Furby may be able to record sensitive material. This was quickly dispelled and they have since rescinded any "ban".

Host Ira_MSN says: Furbster asks: There are many people, including myself, that have had their Furbys replaced when sent in for repair.. I was told you only replace, will there be Furby repairs in the future or will it always be replace?

TigerRoger says: For the time being it will likely remain replacements.

Host Ira_MSN says: Topsy_Furby says: What do you think of products such as "Foobie" and "Furbish", the Furby impostors?

TigerRoger says: Poor attempts at knocking off a great product! We dislike that consumers may be misled, and ultimately disappointed with this inferior product. We will continue to take any and all steps at our disposal to prevent these poor knockoffs from entering this country.

Host Ira_MSN says: What is the secret color? Tell us about new colors coming too!!!!

TigerRoger says: There are a lot to discuss...we have just completed shipping our 2nd asst. and the 3rd is now shipping. The newest assortment consists of the following patterns (as our internal names only) leopard, lamb, gorilla, frog, elephant and the secret color pink flamingo.

TigerRoger says: The best way to stay up to date on all new Furby colors and developments is at our website

TigerRoger says: We also have new special editions coming this year, watch for "Fall" and "Christmas" and the new Millennium Furby

Host Ira_MSN says: FurbyKiwi...Why does Tiger offer 30-day exclusives to KB and/or FAO? They both charge the most among retailers, so this make things frustrating for Furbyholics like us.

TigerRoger says: We do not establish any long term exclusives such as this, we have only planned "launch" events with some key retailers, and they make sure they have adequate product for these events. In many cases, to rush the goods to the market, retailers must air

TigerRoger says: freight the goods into their locations at a high premium cost. This may mean slightly higher prices, but we do not condone any excessive pricing. That is why we supply so many Furby's to so many different retail accounts to help make them available at a competitive price to all.

Host Ira_MSN says: Dave_D Ask..I've heard of a new Tiger product that will play FM radio through vibrating a sucker. If this is true can you explain further?

TigerRoger says: Yes, thrilled to! We have just announced the Sound Bites Pop Radio (see today’s USA Today Life Section), which will be shown here in Chicago area tomorrow at a candy show. The item is a scanning FM radio that can play through your mouth to your inner ear

TigerRoger says: without anyone else hearing or knowing what you are listening to. It will also come with an external speaker that will allow for play out loud and is expected to retail at $9.99!!!!

Host Ira_MSN says: Dah says: We all know that Furby was quite a success, what was Tiger's biggest failure, and what did you learn from it?

TigerRoger says: There have been many, and everyone is a learning experience. You cannot expect to try and be on cutting edge of electronic toy development without experiencing a few bumps in the road.

Host Ira_MSN says: What exactly is it like working for Tiger Electronics?

TigerRoger says: FANTASTIC!

Host Ira_MSN says: That's about it for the questions! This has been great! We all thank you for joining us Roger! We are going to open the room up to everyone for a short while, then Roger has to go. Thanks for coming everyone!

Cynnarra says: Does the Canadian Furby speak French as well as English. And is there a German speaking Furby?

TigerRoger says: Each Furby speaks only 1 other language besides Furbish. There is a German speaking Furby

pam3 says: Are there really such things as "rare" Furbys?

TigerRoger says: All Furby's are limited in production, but there are some that are more rare than others, such as the spring Furby and graduation Furby, and rarest of all the, the Hi-C Furby that was a premium in a contest.

Topsy_Furby says: Roger, what do you think of the numerous unofficial Furby websites on the net? Are Tiger upset by these at all?

TigerRoger says: Websites are cool if they provide good information and work with Tiger

gop123 says: Someone on E-Bay is taking orders for Yoda, has production started, how can they take order so early.

TigerRoger says: Yoda is not in production and won't be in stores until later this year. Any order taking is not with Tiger's blessings at this point

Host Ira_MSN says: Go ahead everyone! Be polite or the hosts will get you!

Dave_D says: Is a master's degree worth pursuing when looking for a job in retail electronics at Tiger?

TigerRoger says: A master degree is not a prerequisite but for personal growth, it may be a great idea to pursue.

Furby_Grandma says: Will each "series" of Furbys be retired as the "new series" are released? And, will buddies be made to match each Furby...even the Limited Editions?

TigerRoger says: Yes all Furbys retire when next assortment begins, and yes there will be matching buddies for all Furbys and special editions.

FURBYLADY says: Hi TigerRoger.....just want to say thank you for Furbys they are just wonderful......thank you keep them coming

TigerRoger says: Furblady, thanks for your nice comment! it means a lot to us

Furbster says: What do you think of they are doing awful things there

TigerRoger says: I wish we could stop such foolishness

Dah says: Do you go to Furby websites, newsgroups or chats incognito?

TigerRoger says: Rather than looking incognito, I look at sites myself and have many people forwarding me information from them to review.

E-Day says: The mouth on one of my Furbys flips forward ALL THE TIME!! is there anything I can do to repair it so I wont have to send My beloved Furby Back

TigerRoger says: E-day sorry but I cannot advise without seeing the problem...I hope you can send it in for a replacement

Topsy_Furby says: Roger, I know that the third generation Furby has only just been released, but just to assure all of us Furbaholics, are Tiger at work on a fourth generation?

TigerRoger says: 4th generation Furby's are designed and will be announced soon...some hints...cheetah and lady bug to name 2

Ali_furby says: Same with mine EDay!

Host Ira_MSN says: FurbyKiwi ask...Does Tiger have much control over quality and reliability of Furbys as they are produced in China? A number of people report unit failures,poorly cut fur, etc.

TigerRoger says: We try to control every piece out of the factories, and given the large quantities we have produced, we have actually an amazingly low amount of problems.

pam3 says: We have two who's mouths slip.

Topsy_Furby says: Me too, Ali and eday. it happened with two of my Furbys. Is that a common fault with first generation Furbys, Roger?

Kentucky says: Is the Hi-C contest over ?

Host nonstop says: Have all of the Hi-C Furbys been awarded?

FurbyFan says: Have all the Hi-C Furbys been released...or given out?

pam3 says: What was the Hi-C Furby like?

TigerRoger says: Hi-C is over and all awarded.

Host sweetsouthernbelle says: Will the Japanese Furbys be available at KB?

TigerRoger says: International Furbys, Italian, German, French and Japanese will all be available directly on our web site!

TigerRoger says: KayBee is going to offer Japanese Furby's in some locations.

FurbyFan says: Will Yoda be able to interact with Gizmo & Furbys???

TigerRoger says: Yoda will not interact with others 

Furbyguy1999 says: When are the Furby Babies coming out?

TigerRoger says: Furby Babies will be out in August 

kentucky says: What about gizmo ?

TigerRoger says: Yes gizmo and Furby interact. Signing off now, thanks to everyone I really enjoyed this session, let's do it again! Be sure to visit Tiger Electronics Official Furby Web Site at: and their new Star Wars Interactive Toys Webs Site at: FurbyTigerOrigPromo.gif (44808 bytes)



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Disclaimer:Furby and all related indicia remain the property of Hasbro/Tiger Toys. (R), (C), and TM.