Proposals from Kulasekhara das


Author: Colin Jury <> at DTCG.UK.INTERNET
Date: 28/08/98 09:42

Dear Krishna Kant Prabhu,

I am amazed at how the GBC is trying to circumvent the issue of Ritvik initiations as outlined by His Divine Grace. You would think by now, after twenty plus years of chanting and devotional service that they would realize that ONLY by following the system outlined by His Divine Grace can there be success. Any concocted partial system they want to present will only result in failure and more problems.

The reason they are proposing now a scaled-back diksa guru system is because they are still trying to hang on to their positions and power that are rooted in their retirement plan.

Srila Prabhupada clearly outlined the system HE wanted for HIS ISKCON. As HIS disciples, it is our duty to simply institute HIS program. Because Tamal and the others deviated from HIS plan there have been so many problems, so many good devotees lost, so much ground lost in the battle against Maya. Lord Chaitanyas movement has suffered tremendously due to the greedy irresponsible actions of a few.

At the Topanga House in 1980, Tamal admitted that he had done the greatest disservice by electing himself and the others as gurus, when they were only named as Ritvik priests by His Divine Grace.

When will this madness end. Srila Prabhupada is the Acharya and all we have to do to be successful is to follow HIS instructions without deviation.

All of the elder disciples who left ISKCON twenty years ago when Tamal took control of the movement, who are still on the sidelines waiting for this madness to end, have no faith in the GBC and their henchmen.

I would like to propose the following ten resolutions for the future success of ISKCON, and I believe nothing short of these resolutions will solve the myriad of problems that plague ISKCON today.

1) All of the initiates by any of these original eleven 'gurus', or by any of the 'elected' 'gurus', are to be considered as Srila Prabhupad's disciples in full glory. Their names need to be entered into His Divine Grace's book of names as HIS disciples.

2) A new GBC should be voted in by the collective body of elders. This body should be reviewed and refreshed by a system of review every three years. If any GBC man is accused of any wrong doing or neglect of his duties, a watchdog committee of elders and Presidents should hear the case BEFORE the Mayapur GBC meetings - in case their findings result in the required replacement of that GBC man. No GBC should remain in post longer than eight years. Recommendations for election to the GBC should be presented for consideration two years prior to term of duty. A one year probation/assistant term for transfer of power should be instituted.

3) All of Srila Prabhupad's books need to be published in their original condition, without any editing or changes. Review of necessary suggestions for grammatical changes should be presented and approved by the 'NEW' GBC at their yearly meeting.

4) ISKCON should be purged of all control by these men. If they want to remain gurus, let them go out and start their own ashrams as His Divine Grace directed, otherwise they can become Ritvik priests 'if qualified' to represent Srila Prabhupada.

5) ALL moneys collected over the last twenty years by any of these men should be considered as Srila Prabhupad's money and not their private 'guru dakshine' as they claim. All buildings, equipment, machinery, vehicles, land, etc. are to considered as the property of ISKCON and not the personal property of these men.

6) All of the estranged disciples of Srila Prabhupada should be invited to visit their local temple, and honored as befitting elder vaishnava devotees. They should also have input into the management of their local temple, where a management board of 50% temple men and 50% elder grihastas should control temple affairs.

7) Temple Presidents should control all finances for their Cities. The GBC are simply to encourage, preach and help with suggestions regarding financial matters 'if' the temple Presidents need it, as was the original role defined by His Divine Grace. No 'centralization' of management and control as was initiated by Tamal Krishna and Co.

8) Giant istagostis should be held in major key cities around the world in order to clarify any misunderstandings. A body of representatives should travel from one to the other, so as to maintain consistency in the presentations.

9) ISKCON's media team headed up by Mukunda should be completely replaced as they are corrupt, devious to the extreme and dangerous.

10) Srila Prabhupada should be the ONLY acharya ever in any ISKCON temple. His Vyasasana ALONE be in each temple. His picture ALONE (along with the parampara) be on the altar of any ISKCON temple.

I do not claim to be a great scholar or statesman, but I feel that these ten proposals are a good place to start. We have to bring the movement back to two months prior to the disappearance of His Divine Grace, and move forward based on His CLEAR instructions regarding the future of the movement after His departure. He said "Do not change a thing". So like a child who takes apart a clock and cannot put it back together and make it work, these so called 'leaders' have pulled apart Srila Prabhupad's beautiful organization, and nothing short of complete compliance with His original outlines will work.

There is ZERO confidence in the present GBC. They are viewed as devious and criminal. As quoted by Jayapataka in his secret correspondence regarding Harikesh:

"That an affidavit detailing various irregularities over the past so many years was with a notary in a safe deposit box. Also if during his natural life any harm came to him, or Monika or her children at any time then immediately those papers would be given the the German Government and ISKCON would be in big trouble, and senior devotees would have to serve 20 year jail sentences."

Yes, these men are so criminal that Harikesh has information that would put them in jail for 20 years. How can we have any faith in such men?

It is time to 'clean house'. Personally I do not trust ANY GBC or Guru currently in power in ISKCON. The whole bunch of them need to be replaced if we are to unite the 5,000+ estranged disciples of His Divine Grace and the existing members of ISKCON.

Thank you for allowing me to voice my opinions in this matter. I would appreciate if you would post this for other's consideration.

Your servant in the service of Srila Prabhupada,

Kulasekhara das.
Srila Prabhupad's first initiated European disciple.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!

All glories to His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada!