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Thank you for visiting SpiritFire Ministries. We are dedicated to facilitating spiritual growth for all people within an open, healing atmosphere.

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Our Vision

Our vision is to unite all people in common, joyful worship of the Creator.

Our Doctrine

*Note: Belief in the following tenets is not required
for membership in this church or participation in church ministries and fellowship

We believe in the existence of God.
Whether He/She is called God, Jehovah, Allah, Goddess, Buddha or any of a myriad of other names, we believe that all people worship the same Creator/Creative Force which brought the Universe into being. The fact that we may disagree about the name or nature of God does not mean that we worship different gods.

We believe that all churches are one.
We believe that no denomination has a monopoly on truth. Neither is there a single path to God. Each religion contains its own seeds of truth as well as the overarching truths common to all religions. By focusing on our commonalities rather than our differences we can heal the wounds of God's people so that all voices may one day be united in a single song of praise.

We acknowledge Jesus as "Rabbonai", Teacher.
We look to Jesus as teacher, Prophet, Master, Avatar (God incarnate)and Savior. We also acknowledge the many other prophets and masters who have been sent to the earth to aid humanity in its journey toward spiritual perfection.

We allow all people to worship when and how they see fit.
We ask to be extended the same privilege.

We believe in showing charity, kindness and consideration toward our fellow men and women.
We hope that others will extend the same care towards us. Our love for them, however, is not conditional upon these actions, but extend from our recognition of their holiness as reflections of the Creator.

We believe that God is present in all of creation.
Because God is present in every animal, rock and tree, we honor the earth and strive for its protection.

We believe in doing that which is right.
As a congregation of the Universal Life Church, we believe in doing only that which is RIGHT. Each individual has the responsibility and privilege of determining that which is Right for him/herself -- as long as it does not infringe on the rights of others.

We believe that our bodies are a temple.
In properly caring for our bodies we respect and worship our Creator. Improper diet, ingestion of chemical substances and abuse of our bodies robs us of the opportunity to experience the vibrant health which God intended for each of us. We believe that holistic healing practices and vibrational medicine such as Reiki, herbalism, flower essences and aromatherapy utilize the natural resources with which God has provided us, and allow our Creator to participate in our healing that we may fully enjoy the miraculous gift of life which God has given.

We believe in doing that which is right.
As a congregation of the Universal Life Church, we believe in doing only that which is RIGHT. Each individual has the responsibility and privilege of determining that which is Right for him/herself -- as long as it does not infringe on the rights of others.

We Are One

Our Objective

Eternal Progression

Our Goal

A Fuller Life for Everyone

Our Slogan

To Live and Help Live

"God is Love"

We encourage each person to walk their spiritual path; to strive for the attainment of harmony in spiritual, emotional and physical life; to live fully and joyously.

About Reverend Annemarie Richardson

The Rev. Dr. Annemarie Richardson is an ordained minister of the Universal Life Church and serves as the senior pastor at SpiritFire Ministries and the SpiritFire Congregation in Selma, Oregon. She has a Doctor of Divinity degree and has made extensive studies of comparative religions, the early Christian Church and the Essene sect of ancient Israel.

She and her husband Edward live at the gateway to the Kalmiopsis Wilderness and have four grown children and five grandchildren. She is experienced in early childhood education and specializes in ministering to children as well as adults.

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