Matter is a science topic which is a necessary prerequisite for teaching middle school students about Mixtures and Solutions. Anything that takes up space or has mass is matter. Matter is made of tiny pieces called atoms. Atoms are smaller than you can see with your eyes, or even a microscope. Matter is made of combinations of 92 different atoms. Why does Matter matter? Search through the topics and discover the answer to that and other questions about Matter.

All About Matter

Multiple-Choice Questions on Matter

Chem 4 Kids Matters

This is the section that matters. Illustrated explanations of the four states of matter: solids, liquids, gases, and plasma.

Explore Zone Inside an Atom

Molecules, Protons, Neutrons, Electrons

Explore Zone Matter

The three common states of matter

How Does Matter Occupy Space?

Activity to explore "hands-on" activities about the properties of matter

Hypermedia Textbook for Elementary School Kids: Matter

What is matter? States of matter? Fun Stuff with Matter!

Mad Scientist Network

CLICK on MAD LABS and find the Edible/Inedible Archive. Find the Chemistry heading to discover Ooblech, Inflammable Gases, PopFizz, and other experiments!


Web sites such as Science Try This which show "hands-on" activities students can use to learn about physical properties.

Matter: Solids, Liquids, and Gases

Activities, Background, Lesson Plans, Resources

Mind and Matter

A thoughtful comparison of mind and matter

Nature of Matter

Experiment recommended for Grades 5-6 about matter.

The Discovery of the Electron

A Look Inside the Atom

The Particle Adventure

All the matter in the universe interacts in fundamental ways. Explore the following paths that explain the matter of the universe!