

        Ah, Golf you say.   A sport where it comes down to you against another or sometimes you against the course.  Whatever the choice is, always seem to be enjoyment whether you beat your opponent or you beat the course.  You could be getting your ass kicked by another or playing so bad, but all it takes is that one shot.  The one shot that you remember for that day or the shot that keeps you coming back each time to play the course, before it plays you.  The movie "Caddyshack" made me want to play when I saw it as a kid.  We are all good golfers, but different from your normal golfer, we actually believe that we are in "Caddyshack"!!!    These pics were taken on,at or around the golf course.  I jammed alot of pics here, so it might take alittle bit longer than the other pages.....







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