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Are you picky about the kind of Xena fanfiction you read?

Sick of wading through hundreds of fanfic archives and websites only to read stuff that sucks time after time? Sick of people praising bards to their faces (or to their mailboxes) when really you think their stuff is unreadable?

With our tongues firmly planted in our cheeks ...

Whaddya mean "my tongue, your cheek"?

... and taking our lives in our hands, Nancy Amazon presents the Nancy and Ewok fanfic reviews!

Here you'll find reviews of the best and worst in alternative uber fanfiction. We're honest, we're forthright. Attitude is Queen. Hail to the Conqueror!

If you're a bard who gets a bad review in these pages, write to us about how mean we are, but remember, we offer no apologies for how we review (just like you offer no apologies for what you write!)

E-mail us with any comments or questions. I'll also give a long, well-reasoned explanation for my reviews if you bug me enough to explain why I do or don't like something. After all, we take our work seriously! We believe that everyone is entitled to her or his own opinion. These are ours.

If you know a story we haven't reviewed that you'd like to see on these pages, let us know!

Xena: Warrior Princess
Nancy Amazon and Ewok Fanfic Reviews