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Our Patron Saint
Mary Mother of God
Litany of Mary, Our Mother
pray for us
pray for us
pray for us
pray for us
pray for us
pray for us
pray for us
pray for us
Model of love
Model of kindness
Model of peace
Model of prayer
Model of gentleness
Model of faithfulness
Model of helpfulness
Model of forgiveness
Mother of Jesus
Mother of  all of us
Mother of the lonely
Mother of the sad
Mother of the sick
Mother of the people hurting
pray for us
pray for us
pray for us
pray for us
pray for us
pray for us
pray for us
Mother of our parish
Saint of the Month
Saint Valentine
Feast Day - February 14
Priest and Martyr
Patron Saint of Greetings
     St. Valentine, a Roman priest, together with St. Marius and his family, assisted the martyrs who suffered during the reign of Emperor Claudius II in the 3rd century. Being apprehended, he was sent to the Prefect of Rome, who commanded that he be beaten with clubs and afterward beheaded. He suffered martyrdome about the year 270.
      The custom of sending valentines on this day is the revival of an ancient pagan practice, which consisted of boys drawing the names of girls in honor of their goddess, Februata Juno, on Februray 15. To abolish this practice names of saints were substituted on billets drawn upon this day.