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My Thoughts, and Quotes

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My Thoughts, and Quotes

Thought - The basic definition of a human being...It should be revered and treasured.
The following are recorded in chronological order as I think of them or come across them.
If you should have any thoughts worthy of note, do feel free to send them to me via e-mail.

One day man will realise a greater purpose in life that cannot be put in words. And when they do, their minds will have been opened.

Man is bound to nature, and nature to man. Man should stop sacrificing nature for other purposes.

The basis of all relationships is communication.

"The abuse of greatness is when it disjoins remorse from power."
— Shakespeare, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar

"You have to listen to a team as much as you lead a team."

"Talking and laughing are the two most fun things you can do. And they're free!"
— Serena (OG-mate)

"All friendships need effort. It is easy to lose a friend due to neglect."
— Civics Tutorial (RJC)

Sincerity is of utmost importance in all your dealings with people.

Singing can be one of the greatest expressions of the human soul.

"Taking friendship away from life, is like taking the sun from the Earth."
— Cicero

Listen to the sounds of nature...and feel the peace and calm.

Thought...the very basis of human life. One who does not think is a machine...it does not live.

Looking at the clock...the second hand moves round and round...time flows...yet it stays at a standstill while I am in deep thought. Time within life, life within time...yet all is timeless in thought.

Troubles, troubles...I wish I could pour them out of my soul...but no...they would only affect those around me if I spoke of them. Where do I turn? Look at the blue sky...with fluffy white clouds.

"Life is a learning journey."

"The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thought."
— Eugene Loh, NewsRadio 93.8, A Slice of Life

"A man without fear is his own enemy."

There is a subtle difference between justice and judgement and vengeance. Justice must not be allowed to become either.

"Elen sila lûmenn' omentielvo." - A star shines on the hour of our meeting.
— J.R.R. Tolkien, Lord of the Rings

Only when you have absolute control over your mind, can you have absolute control over yourself.

True strength lies in realising that one is not invincible and can be defeated, and making the best of the situation.

Behind every setback is a lesson to be learnt, and thereafter a chance to conquer disappointment and despair.

"Feeling is important...you are not a human without it."
— Serena (OG-mate)

People often worry about being cheated of their money, but never the other way around.

The difference between a machine, and a human, is choice, independant of any precedent or predefined variable.

Happiness is a choice — Misery is optional, not inevitable.
— Yoke Pean's mother

Life is balance, and balance, life. It is about reconciling opposing concepts, codes (of conduct et cetera), ways and means in order to find a balance that will bring out the best in a person and make him/her grow. When that balance is obtained, the fullness of life is experienced.
Different situations and contexts exist in life, and it is these that call for differing approaches, and hence, the need for balance between them. One approach is not automatically applicable to all situations.

We should understand things not by our own contexts, doctrines, perceptions, values, ways and norms; instead, we should understand the process by which they were created and the purposes that they serve, that is, to put them in their context (cultural, religious, social, historical, political et cetera), in order to fully understand their significance.
This may seem trivial, but it is often overlooked in practice.

"A society that does not recognize that each individual has values of his own which he is entitled to follow can have no respect for the dignity of the individual and cannot really know freedom."
— F. A. von Hayek
This is somewhat similar to something I have thought of in the past...that forcing a way of life or thinking on an individual is to deprive him of his own way of life or thinking, and his uniqueness.

Do not fear nature, but respect its power. Man came from nature; it has the ability to destroy him.


You who have eyes, open them, for you do not see. You who have ears, listen, for you do not hear. Your hearts have become stone; who can undo that, but you?

Many things man does not realise. Reason man grasps not. Can you not see, can you not hear, can you not feel, that your brethen are suffering, while you debate unimportant things?

Man has become too conceited in his own glory, that he forgets much. He has allowed himself to be blinded, to become insensitive.

Man's strength is his tenacity, yet his strength fails him; he applies his strength to that which is transient, unimportant, inanimate.

In his folly man has destroyed, ignored; he has destroyed nature, ignored the ties of kinship which bind all humans as one race.

Man forgets that he is part of nature. He has become so confident in his sciences and technologies, that in manipulating nature he wants to elevate himself above it.

In manipulating nature he has forgotten the intricate link between himself and nature, and that he will vanquish himself if he destroys nature.

Man, too, has forgotten about his fellow men, man fights and kills none other than his own brethen.

What distinguishes one man from another? One belief from another? One ideology from another? But what is the unifying factor? What are the universal morals?

Men look not at the bigger picture in which they fit into, preferring instead to hole themselves up.


"To be a thinker you have to accept the views of others and that you may be wrong.
To be a leader you must be a good follower.
To be a pioneer you have to accept that others are also pioneers and may be better than you."
To be a commander you must be a subordinate.
To be someone with lofty plans you must be someone who is in touch with what is happening on the ground.

To be a speaker, you must be a listener.

— Part, Mr. Lee Tat Leong, my Civics tutor in JC.


When the wise walk the earth, only fools do not see them.
Wise men are always, partly, fools.
Wise men who claim to be so are but fools, wise men who claim not to be so are truly wise.

