David Irving

David Irving is another important player in the task of tempting to prove the Holocaust a myth, but also one of the easiest persons to discredit, with just basic facts about the Holocaust that have already long ago been proven. One of the points he brings up is that Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbel’s diaries do not make any explicit references to the liquidation of the Jews. However, taken right from the diary itself, quote “the greater number of Jews liquidated, the more consolidated will the situation in Europe be after this war.”

The very fact that he lies outright makes him discreditable. But in addition, as many holocaust deniers, he has no background in the sciences, so accusations made about the delousing and cremating have very little to support them. Irving, in a radio interview on November 8, 1996 said, “...what happened to those one million people (at Auschwitz)? Were they cremated? The answer is you couldn’t have cremated them, there wasn’t sufficient crematorium capacity, there wasn’t enough coke. It would have taken forty thousand tons of coke...”

However, there is a somewhat disturbing but truthful metaphor to discredit his evidence. Just as meat burns on a barbecue when the fire gets hot enough, the fuel for cremating a corpse can be the corpse itself. Burning a pound of flesh gives off 1,000 BTU of heat. Once the oven is heated enough with coke, it stays hot, and many corpses can be burned in a row.

The Nazis’ own operating instructions for the Auschwitz ovens read:
After each incineration, the temperature rises in the furnace. For this reason, care must be taken that the internal temperature does not rise above 1100 degrees Celsius (white heat)...

David Irving also claims that he does not give speeches to neo-Nazis, as this would give him an ulterior motive for his denial. But, on September 20, 1996, David Irving was the feature speaker at a meeting of the National Alliance. The National Alliance is “the largest neo-Nazi group in America,” according to Klanwatch. Irving has threatened a lawsuit to keep a recording of this speech off the Internet.

David Irving -David Irving's webpage