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The U-Files

(All the Useless Information you really didn't need to know, but found out anyway)

Last Updated: 2/26/01
New State Law Factoids... hot off the skillet. New Links (Go here Cory) Check em' out. Also, Seamonkey had a couple more brain droppings on the Engaging Thoughts Page. Watch Your Step! I also reset the counter.

Welcome to the U-Files. This page is an assortment of all kinds of mostly useless information, jokes, and other great things like that.

Isn't it amazing how you can sometimes never remember things you need to remember, (like for school and work) and how you can most always remember those great little pieces of useless trivia?

That's how we work here at the U-Files- because you never know when useless info may become useful!

Inspect the Stacks

  • Phobias- What are you afraid of?

  • Trivia- Quiz yourself on Useless Knowledge

  • Vocabulary- Words you never knew existed

  • Factoids- Just the facts

  • Quotes- It's amazing what some people say!

  • Jokes- Funny things that just pop up

  • Thoughts for Life- Great mottos to live by

  • Links- Other great "useless" sites

  • Thanks!- Thanks for the info

  • Free E-mail- Get a U-Files E-mail address!

  • The U-Filers- A closer look at the people who make this page possible



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E-mail us at ufilers@excite.com

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