My Own Personal Beliefs
About Being Pagan

If you came to this page, you're probably wondering what exactly a Pagan is.

I guess I should start with what Paganism is not....

It is NOT Satanism. I was raised as a Christian (Episcopalian to be exact) like most other Pagans. While I was not dragged off to church every Sunday, I was still taught the false notion that Pagans were evil people and that the pentagram was "the sign of the Devil".

Please hear and understand this:

Pagans don't believe in the Christian God and, therefore, could not believe in the Christian Satan.

As for the pentagram, it is an ancient symbol which represents the four elements (earth, air, fire, and water) and the top point represents a connection to the divine.

Paganism is a personal religion. By that I mean, if you ask 20 different Pagans what Paganism is, you will get 20 different answers. I tend to borrow a definition from the first book I read about witchcraft: Scott Cunningham's The Truth About Witchcraft Today. In it, he lists 5 basic tenants of most Pagans (which I've modified here to fit more closely with my own beliefs):

1. An acknowledgment of feminine as well as masculine energies.

2. The belief in and use of magik (basically the same thing as prayer).

3. A belief in reincarnation.

4. A reverence of nature and Mother Earth.

5. A lack of proselytization (We believe that everyone must find their own spiritual path).

You may also hear the words Pagan, Druid, Witch, and Wiccan used simultaneously. They don't all mean the same thing. Think of it like Christianity. Under that title you have Catholicism and Protestantism. Then, under the title "Protestant", you have many denominations such as Episcopal, Methodist, Baptist, etc. Well, under the title "Pagan", you have Druids (who seem to be much more structured) and Witches. Some Witches consider themselves "Wiccan", but not all do. Just like some Christians consider themselves "non-denominational", so do some Pagans. I personally call myself a Pagan and sometimes use the term "Wiccan" to define myself if I think people may not react well to the word "pagan".

For me, being a Pagan is having a name to call my beliefs and practises. It is a way of living. It is in the core of my soul and in everything I do. I've always said that my little jet black kitty was a Witch's cat...I guess I was right!

Click the icon above to learn how I came to call myself a Pagan