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The following pages are offer to the WWW community as a means to further their study of God's most Holy Word. Translation from one language to the next is not an exact science. It is a combination of science and art. While I make no claims to be a great artist, by placing this layman's translation along side other well know translations, it should make it easier for the English only reader to compare and consider. Although the context is in regard to prophecy, the Bible does say:

5:21 but scrutinize everything. Hold on to the good, 22 hold off from every form of evil.

Scrutinize these translations the best you are able and decide for yourself what to hold on to. It is the original autographs we hold dear in the orthodox community, not any given translation. Each has its strengths and weaknesses. My prayer is that God will Bless His Word as you read it in order that He may receive honor and glory for what He has done.

Blessed are the Elect.


Background Info


E-mail me and let me know what you think this project.

Return Options:

  1. Return to the beginning of  Preface.  

  2. Return to the beginning of  Chapter 1

  3. Return to the beginning of  Chapter 2

  4. Return to the beginning of  Chapter 3

  5. Return to the beginning of  Chapter 4

  6. Return to the beginning of  Chapter 5


Last Updated 01/24/04
The various translations used are each copyright protected, including mine, and may not be reproduced for profit. I am trying to receive permission to use each translation I have used. Should I not be able to get it I will remove any translation that will not allow me to so use it even though this is a not for profit web site created to help individuals learn.

© Copyright - Should you so decide, you may make copies of my translation for non-profit uses only, including copies for small groups or personal use. All other rights remain in full force under the law. This notice must appear on all copies made. To God be all glory and praise.

"Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, © Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 Used by permission."