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Tanzania Safari - March 4-11, 2000

Here are some of my favorite pictures from the safari.  These are all thumbnails and a larger version can be viewed by clicking on the picture. I have finished writing the journal account describing the first day there.

Black-backed jackal in Tarangire National Park

Cape Buffalos in Ngorongoro Crater

Elephants in Tarangire Nat. Pk.

Giraffes in the Serengeti

Hippo in Ngorongoro Crater

Impalas with young fawn in the Serengeti

Young lions in Ngorongoro Crater

Our only rhinoceros sightings were in the Ngorongoro Crater

Ngorongoro Sunrise

Zebras on the Serengeti plain

Giraffes in the Serengeti

Hyenas finish off a lion kill while vultures wait for leftovers


Here is a second group of pictures.  All are thumbnails and can be enlarged by clicking on the image.

Bull elephant at Lake Manyara

Leopard takes an afternoon snooze

Lion cub in the crater

Leopard awakens to another day

Safari track in the Serengeti

Male ostrich in the Serengeti

Sunset near the Serengeti Sopa Lodge

Cheetah on a kopje scans the horizon

Zebra patterns are photogenic

Wildebeest migration thunders across our path

Zebras with the wildebeest migration

male and female lion in the Serengeti


Here are just a few more pictures.

Masai mother carries her baby to market

Biker in the town of Kaltera, Tanzania

Leopard close-up in the Serengeti

Masai herders take their cattle to graze in the Ngorongoro Crater

Rhinoceros in the Crater

Cape buffalo wanders close to our Serengeti Sopa

Land Rover awaits the oncoming bull elephant in the Crater

Zebras at a crater water hole

Main road through the Tanzanian highlands


One more set of pictures, primarily from Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater National Parks

elephants.JPG (171121 bytes)

Crowned cranes in flight

vulture.JPG (122646 bytes)

Waterbuck in Tarangire National Park

Female impala

Public transport in Tanzania

One lost wildebeest

Crowned cranes in flight

Lion cub in the crater


Here is another:

Zebra herd at a crater water hole


OK just one more...if you have a 17 inch monitor you may be able to see both the elephant and the lions at the same time.

Lionesses keep watch

 And if a virtual safari interests you, the South African National Parks have web cams in many of their parks.  Just follow this link

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