The Federation of Spiritual Churches and Associations

Established 1944

Unity, Service and Action

Our Shared Beliefs
  1. We affirm our belief in God as the Universal Wisdom, Love, Life, Truth, Power, Peace, Beauty, and Joy, in whose indwelling presence we live and have our being.

  2. We affirm the inseparable oneness of God and all life, and the indwelling of the Christ Spirit of Unconditional Love as the means by which we can express our Divinity in mind, body, emotions, and external affairs.

  3. We affirm the the example and teachings of Master Jesus, who became the Christ, as the pattern for living.

  4. We affirm the moral responsibility of the individual and the creative law of cause and effect, through which our mental states are carried forward into manifestation and become our experience.

  5. We affirm that all phenomena of Nature are expressions of God, and that true religion is based on understanding and living in accordance with Nature's physical and spiritual laws. We accept healing, prophecy, and communication between this plane and all others as valid applications of spiritual laws.

  6. We affirm that the existence and personal identity of the individual continue after the change called death; and that the doorway to reformation is never closed against any human soul, here or hereafter.

For more information:

Email the FSCA

FSCA Secretary
Rev. Karen Durski
4258 S. 26th ST
Milwaukee, WI 53221

- or -

FSCA President
Rev. David Christian
Allentown, PA

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