The Federation of Spiritual Churches and Associations

Established 1944

Unity, Service and Action

Membership Information

These are the Memberships that we offer.

  • ACTIVE MEMBERS: Any duly chartered Church, Society, Organization, Camp Assembly, and/or Healing Center may be an ACTIVE MEMBER upon furnishing the board with an application supply such information as specified by the Board of Directors and payment of all fees and dues as determined by this same Board. (see APPLICATION below) Each active member shall be entitled to one vote at membership meetings and shall designate in writing one person to vote on its behalf on any and all matters which require a vote of the members.

The Federation has recognized the need of individuals who may also, wish to join a group of spiritual churches and associations. This acknowledgment gave birth to the MISSIONARY AT LARGE and the AUXILIARY MEMBERSHIP.

  • MISSIONARY AT LARGE: A Missionary at Large is a member for Life. They are a person who has committed their life to doing spiritual work and who has demonstrated a loyalty to this corporation. They are a person who has been an active pastor or has been an active church affiliate. A Missionary at Large will be considered for those who furnish the Secretary of this Corporation with an application, specifying such information as requested by the Board of Directors, and with the payment of all fees and dues as determined by this same Board.

  • AUXILIARY MEMBERS: An Auxiliary Membership may be held by any individual who is committed to doing spiritual work. Membership will be considered for those who furnish the Secretary of this Corporation with an application, specifying such information as requested by the Board of Directors, and with the payment of all fees and dues as determined by this same Board.

The total Auxiliary Membership shall select one (1) person to be there delegate for the current year. This Delegate will vote on their behalf on any and all matters which require a vote of the members. The same is true for the Missionaries at Large.

Application Information and Dues

Please send the following information to the Secretary:

  • Name
  • Address
  • City, State, (Country if outside USA), Zip or Postal Code
  • Telephone Number.

Please indicate membership type:

  • Church / Organization - Charter Member - $25. Dues

  • Individual / Association (10 or less) - Auxiliary Member - $10. Dues
(US funds only, please)

New Charter Member Information:

  • Pastor's Name
  • President's or Secretary's Name
  • Name of Chartering Body

Please consider a donation to help defray printing and mailing costs.

Mail to:

FSCA Secretary
Rev. Karen Durski
4258 S. 26th ST
Milwaukee, WI 53221


or - Email the FSCA

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