Are you interested in a WORLDWIDE celebration for Spiritualism?

The Federation of Spiritual Churches and Associations in conjunction with the Arkansas Spiritual Center is looking to celebrate the 150th anniversary of your church - in 1999 - somewhere in the central United States.

In order for us to seriously consider this size of a reality to bring Spiritualism into this type of networking - we ask you to take time to answer the following questionnaire:

1. Would you attend?
yes ( ) No ( )

2. If yes, would you be able to participate - (mark all that apply)
vendor ( ) display ( ) lecture or workshop ( ) just be there ( )

3. Would you consider membership in the FSCA?
Charter $25.00 -or- Auxiliary $10.00 (US funds only)
Send inquiries for more information about the FSAC to the address below.

Please, take a moment to print, complete and mail to:

Rev. David J. Christian, President
818 W. Cedar St.
Allentown PA 18102-1504

Or email to the FSCA

For those of you reading this from the link at the AASP site, you may visit the FSCA home page.