The Federation of Spiritual Churches and Associations in conjunction with the Arkansas Spiritual Center is looking to celebrate the 150th anniversary of your church - in 1999 - somewhere in the central United States.
In order for us to seriously consider this size of a reality to bring Spiritualism into this type of networking - we ask you to take time to answer the following questionnaire:
1. Would you attend?
2. If yes, would you be able to participate - (mark all that apply)
3. Would you consider membership in the FSCA?
Please, take a moment to print, complete and mail to:
yes ( ) No ( )
vendor ( ) display ( ) lecture or workshop ( ) just be there ( )
Charter $25.00 -or- Auxiliary $10.00 (US funds only)
Send inquiries for more information about the FSAC to the address below.
For those of you reading this from the link at the AASP site, you may visit the FSCA home page.