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Ghaqda Letterarja Maltija

(Maltese Literary Society)

Established 1951

The Ghaqda Letterarja Maltija was established in September 1951 by a couple of youths that were zealous to promote the Maltese language. The society was initially called Ghaqda Kittieba Zghazagh (Society of Young Writers). Mr Vincent Caruana came up with the idea first and with the co-operation of some of his friends he laid down the first stones. Together with Caruana, Manwel Cassar, the late Gorg Stevens, John Sciberras and John C. Friggieri were all involved in sowing a seed that has produced a fruitful and evergreen tree.



All those who compose literary works in Maltese of a level approved by the Society's committee may be accepted as members. Those interested in joining the Society are to submit three pieces of their literary works (ideally in three copies) to be reviewed by the selection committee. Applications should include one's particulars, i.e. full name, address (including postcode), passport or Maltese identity card number, and telephone number. These are to be sent to: The Secretary "Ghaqda Letterarja Maltija", Leomart Flat 2, Triq San Gorg, Gzira GZR 06. Malta.

E-mail addresses: ghlm@email.com

Maltese writers living abroad are very welcome. The membership fee is Lm2 (two Maltese liri) annually.