Mc Isaac Messenger/Le Messager
October 2004

Mission Statement: McIsaac School/Ecole McIsaac, a diverse community of students, educators, parents working together to ensure the success of all learners. McIsaac/Ecole McIsaac, une communaute pluraliste d’etudiants, de parents, d’enseignants travaillant ensemble en vue d’assurer les succes de tous les apprenants

October’s Virtue is Respect: Respect is an attitude of honoring people and caring about their rights. Being respectful is reflected in the courtesy with which we treat one another, the way we speak, and the way we treat other people’s belongings. Speaking and acting respectfully gives people the dignity they deserve.

Dear Parents/Guardians:
 McIsaac School/Ecole McIsaac is an allergy alert school. We have spent the last three years with the help of parents and teachers to educate our children and ourselves about Anaphylaxis. For the safety of our children, it is imperative that we keep on reminding ourselves of certain products/foods that can be deadly to our students. Here is a list of foods that are accountable for 90% of all food-allergic reactions. The foods that most commonly cause anaphylaxis (called allergenic foods) are: Peanuts/tree nuts (walnuts, pecans, etc./shellfish/ fish/ milk/soy/wheat/eggs.
 For more information go to:

 …to phone
The Office is looking for six phone volunteers per month for the Virtue Awards, October through June.  Please call and leave your name if you can be of assistance.  Thank you!


Library News:
Our library has a new look with its new carpet and flooring. The bookshelves have been changed around to open up the floor space. It
looks bigger and better.

Discard Book Sale
There will be a discard book sale from October 4th –October 8th. All books on the library discard cart will be 10 cents each. There are also some older yearbooks for $2.00 each.

The first Scholastic Book fair will be held on Wednesday, November 17, at McIsaac School/Ecole McIsaac from 9:00 – Noon and from 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.  Viewing of books for students and staff will be Tuesday, November 16, 2004.  Please call June Reid, librarian, 687-7578 if you can volunteer to help with the book fair.   Thank you.


French Reading Club
This fall our French Immersion students (k-8) will participate in a reading club through DREF. The books (200 books) have been ordered through the library and Nathalie Tremblay will be the co-ordinator for the program. There will be book prizes throughout the year. Information will be sent home to the parents as soon as the school receives it.


New Staff:
A warm welcome to Melanie Larouche, Sandy Kowal and  Bonnie Campbell. Welcome back also to Sharon Beck, Pam Ryan and Christine Williams. Melanie is teaching K/1 French Immersion. Sandy is teaching Grade 6. Bonnie is sharing grade 5 class with Mrs. Lindsay and Sharon is sharing the 2/3 with Mrs. Collins. We have also added Sharon Carmichael to our EA staff.

New Mentors and French Monitor
Welcome to Abdel Khalboubi, our French Monitor. Abdel will be working with French Immersion and Basic French students. Welcome also to Courtney Whitmore and Kyle McKee, mentors for this year.

Bombers: Bomber mentors for this year are Fritz Sauter:Kyle Holmes and Tyler Beachell. Welcome to McIsaac.

Lunch Monitor: Our new lunch monitor for this year is Allen Church.  Welcome Allen.
The lunch room is now room 113.

Welcome Back BBQ: Our welcome back barbeque was a huge success.  A big thank you to the Parent Advisory Committee for organizing this event.
Milk and Cookies for our Kindergarten Students
Our Kindergarten students had a treat of milk and cookies on Thursday, September 29.
Welcome Lunch for All New Students:
We will have a welcome lunch for all our new students next week.

Early Interviews and Parent Teacher Interviews:
Teachers who want to have early interviews will do so at their own discretion. All parents will be welcome to meet their children’s teachers in December. Parents feel free to phone the teachers about any concerns before this time. More information regarding interviews will be forwarded to you as the school year unfolds.

Thanks to Canadian Parents For French, we will have a French Cultural Presentation in our school on October 19th. This performance is for Grades K-8 students in the French Immersion Program.

Past Events And Presentations
Sept.21: Winnipeg Symphony: Thank you Kyle and Lara for organizing this event
September 24-26: Grade 7 Band Trip
September 27: Terry Fox Run

Coming Events And Presentations
October   5: Student Council Elections
October   6: Hep B inoculations for gr 4 students p.m.
October   8: Picture Day
October 11: Thanksgiving Day: No school
October 14: Parents Advisory Committee
                     Meeting at 7:00
October 19: French Cultural Presentation
October 21: 1/2 PD Day: All Schools Closed p.m.
October 22: SAG/Local PD: All Schools Closed
October 29: Halloween parade/parties


Parent Advisory Committee:
Our next parent advisory Council meeting will take place on October 14th at 7:00 p.m in the staff room.  Minutes attached.

Parent Advisory Committee Meetings for the year 2004-2005
Oct. 14th
Nov. 18th
Jan. 20th
Feb. 10th
All meetings are held in the staff room of McIsaac School/Ecole McIsaac at 7:00 pm.

News from Student Council:
Campbell Soup Labels: Campbell Soup Labels are being collected again this year.
Pharmasave: A big thank you to Pharmasave for their generous contribution to our school. We remind parents and members of our community that 1% of everything they buy goes to school of choice. We take this opportunity to thank all the parents who shop at Pharmasave and choose our school.  We received a cheque for  $468.72 from Pharmasave. We will use this money to purchase LCD speakers for our school.

Upcoming Dance Dates:
Halloween Dance Thursday, October 28,
7:00 to 10:00 p.m.

Student Council Elections:
 Student Council Elections were held Tuesday Oct. 5th 2004. We will give you more information in our next Messenger.

Fire Prevention Presentation:
This event will take place during Fire Prevention Week on October 5, 2004 for Grades k-6 students. The message will be: Fire Prevention and how to stay safe.

Year books:
Yearbooks have arrived. Extra copies are available at the office for $17.00 each.  A huge thank you again to the yearbook Committee for their excellence and commitment to producing another fine edition.

Reminder to Grade 7/8 Parents: Honours Marks
Honours marks will be determined using a weighted formula. The formula is 60% of the core subjects plus 40% of the minor subjects to be 80% or higher. For the English the core subjects are : ELA, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies. For the French program, the core subjects are the above plus Francais. Cumulative marks are to be used for these calculations. There is an assumption that there will be no failures in any subject. If you have any concerns or questions, please phone the school at 687-7578.
Canadian Parents For French Executive 2004/2005
Chair: Bob Jarvis 687-2211
Vice Chair: Chery Allen-687-2623
Treasurer: Lucie Fredricks- 687-5121
CPF provincial rep. Poomidevi Sethi 687-4620
Secretary Holly Gutwillinger-687-5413
Teacher Representative :Nicki Hoffman/Marlene Kroeker-687-5679
Newsletter: Crystal Kolt  687-5413
Special Events Liason Officer: Dianne Kritzer -687-3863
Fundraising: Lucie Fredericks/Bob Jarvis/Cheryl Allen
CPF report attached.

Vision Screening
Four parent volunteers are needed for vision screening each morning and afternoon, October 13, 14, and 15th.  Please call 687-7578 and leave your name, phone number and day you can help.  Ms. Payne will phone to confirm time and day.

Smile of the month:
A nursery school teacher was delivering a station wagon full of kids home one day when a fire truck zoomed past. Sitting in the front seat of the fire truck was a Dalmatian dog. The children started discussing the dog’s duties. “ They use him to keep crowds back,” said one youngster. “No said another, “ he is just for good luck.” A third child brought the argument to a close. “ They use the dogs,” she said firmly, “to find the hydrants.”

Quotes on Respect.
When I respect others, others respect me and I like that. 6th grader in California
Respect is treating your body with the same care you would give any other valuable and irreplaceable object. Cherie Carter Scott
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Eleanor Roosevelt