About Earthmom

Earthmom is actually Katrina Rasbold, Wiccan High Priestess since 1987.  Born in Augusta, Kentucky (Virgo Sun, Cancer Moon, Scorpio rising), she spent her childhood near Owensboro, Kentucky.  Marriage to an Air Force serviceman took her to Guam, New Mexico, England, Southern California and Idaho.  After her divorce, she met her current husband, Eric, at Mountain Home, Idaho and they were married in 1997 after she moved to Sacramento, California, where they still reside.

Happily married, Katrina has one daughter and five sons.  Three of her sons are adults now and two of her sons and her daughter are still young children living at home.  Katrina retired from Air Force civil service in 1997 and now is a stay at home mom who runs the website, "Eye on Soaps."  Her columns there have enjoyed enormous popularity and her NonSoapy Journal remains one of the most visited columns on the site.

Since becoming a High Priestess, Katrina has led three different circles as she moved around the United States and currently, she and her husband host a closed coven called "The Whiches."  They follow the CUSP tradition, developed by Katrina, Eric and their coven, a magickal path that is gaining quite a following for it easy application of Wiccan/Magickal premises to modern day to day life.  Information on CUSP may be found here.

Katrina is a freelance writer and has published books on the Tarot and on various aspects of ritual and magickal life.  She has two more books currently in the works.  For more information, you may contact her at the e-mail address below.
