This page merely expresses my thoughts and research on the subject and is not to be taken as medical gospel. This page will also be periodically updated.

One Perspective on Depression

Before you read any further, go ahead and take a peek at some of the other stuff on these webpages. (you can click here for some pagan stuff or you can click here for the journal.)

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What did you think? Did what you saw look like the work of a depressed person?

Yes, I said depressed.

Depression is still very much a taboo subject in this day and age, despite the fact that 1 in 4 women is likely to experience severe depression. Many misconceptions are out there, such as: "What's the big deal? Everyone gets the blues ~ just get up and go on." "Don't make such a fuss over it ~ it'll go away."

The big deal is that depression is an illness that won't just 'go away'. It not only affects the mind but the body, spirit and behavior as well. While it is true that everyone does get the blues every now and then, depression occurs when the blues stick around for more than a week or two and it interferes with work, relationships and life in general ~ usually by bringing them to a dead halt in their tracks.

Research is ongoing but it is estimated that women are 50% more likely than men to experience depression. Why? It could be a great many things. Some men may use 'action and mastery' to cope with their problems, meaning that they may use sports; spending time with friends or work to distract themselves from their problems. It could also be, in some cases, that men are usually expected to be 'strong' and show no weakness, including the display of 'negative' emotions, therefore many men may turn to alcohol or work to drown out these feelings and emotions that they perceive as weakness. Some women, however, may tend to dwell on their problems ~ as in my case, in order to 'figure them out' (HA!). In other words, it would seem that many men tend to let go of problems and many women tend to hang on with dear life or at least with both hands and white knuckles.

Some symptoms of depression may include:

  • Listlessness
  • Over - or under - eating
  • Over - or under - sleeping
  • Loss of interest in things that may have previously brought joy.
  • feelings of helplessness or worthlessness
  • Loss of concentration with some of the simplest things.
  • Withdrawal from social situations and friends
  • Constantly going from one new thing to the next, trying to fill the emptiness (this could include hobbies and people)
  • Feeling as if you've 'missed the boat' and you didn't even know that you were supposed to get on it.
  • Feeling that everyone in the world, including the cat, is against you ~ or at least thinks you're an idiot.

This is by no means a complete list. While there are some definite symptoms of depression, no two people manifest them in exactly the same way. The only true diagnosis can be made by a qualified doctor but there are some very good indicator tests out there that are helpful in assessing the possibility of a person having depression.

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