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A site devoted to the principle that the adoration of
David Duchovny
can bring you closer to
the Truth.

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David Duchovny of X-Files fame has brightened the lives of millions of us through his
excellent and inspirational acting and choice of swimwear.
Now find out how he can inspire your spiritual growth!
Also: facts, links, pictures, and something about David Duchovny
that was a secret but
I got the chance to tell him on the phone and he now knows!
Discover a whole new form of David gazing!
About David Duchovny
More about David Duchovny
David, Téa and empathy
X-rated agents, a slightly older interview

The secret David now knows about!

The Chapel
The Links Library
The Picture Gallery
The Sound Archives
including me on the phone with him!

The Book of Inspirations
The Book of Offerings
The chapel is the place to leave new offerings

Dark_David A few notes on the phrase'I Want To Believe'

A little piece titled Why...
The serious reason for this site.
Unconditional Love
David's right to privacy.
What David sees in a mirror.

David and Karma with some answers from chat

I talked to David on the phone when he was on KROQ radio on October 16th 1997!
I also got two of my questions answered in the
E! Online chat that day.

I wrote a little fanfic for the SPCDD Halloween competition 1997. You can see it there or on my own homepage

The Secret of a Balanced Life is
Reverence and Mirth in
Equal Proportions

Participating in the Church

Whats New

If you want to JOIN or just say hi then fill in my survey.
It would make a cool addition to a signature... "sister/brother of the Church of Our Guy David Duchovny".
There are many ideas from our members for what the church should do.
Current Church membership is:around 400 of us, I lost count
There is a mailing list. Only members can post to it. You can be a church member and not be on the mail list. Please subscribe yourself
If you would like to subscribe to this group:
1. visit
2. send email to coogdd-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

For those that do not know, a mailing list is a list where every message any member sends to it goes to every member. Ours can be pretty busy when it works. You will get lots of messages, most of them about David Duchovny, but probably none of them looking like they are actually meant for you.

We have a CHAT ROOM! Come in and chat, or email me if you want to schedule a chat here.
We also have a message board. Go view the messages others have left, and contribute your own ideas. Use it to keep in touch with fellow fans, and of course to discuss Our Guy David.

Church Announcements

David Welcome to all the new Sisters of the Church of Our Guy David Duchovny.

Welcome also to our new Brothers of the Church of Our Guy David Duchovny.

If you want to join the church, fill in the survey and I will get round to it sometime. If you want to join the mailing list, be sure to fill in the egroups form above as that is the only way.

Members page and Offerings last updated 18th April 1999

I update the church page very infrequently nowadays. Basically, I am out of X Files fandom. If you want to catch up with what I've been doing, check out my personal homepage. I still look after this page and the webring, but I got Akasha to be the new list mommy on the Church mailing list, I am still there but I only help out. I would pull out entirely, but with a church of 400+ and a mailing list of around 130 people that would not be fair unless I could find a replacement, and I cannot. Everyone too busy doing their own thing I suspect. Which is cool.

This page was only intended as a one page addition to a philosophy website, but it grew and grew and took me some real interesting places. It has been fun, but I'm off to Highlander fandom and conventions, and I suspect The Sentinel will be taking up a lot of my time, and frankly I dont always watch the X Files nowadays, let alone follow it on the web. Life moves on.

One quick note, please would all those people who object to the word church in the title or the philosophies on this page remember this teensy tiny thing called religious tolerance and keep your opinions to the appropriate forums. If you want to get all evangelical or fire and brimstone, that is your deal, but dont do it at my email address, in my guestbook or on my board. Live and let live.

Second, please dont anyone ask me for an address or email or phone number for David. I have no secret knowledge. I haven't even been paying attention pretty much since the show left Vancouver. Everything I know is on this site. Read it. Thats all there is.

I got these from fellow fans so I don't know how accurate or official they are.

David Duchovny
International Creative/Management
8942 Wilshire Blvd
Beverly Hills, California

David Duchovny
c/- Fox Broadcasting Company
10201 West Pico Boulevard
Los Angeles CA 90035

Someone else said they got nothing back from either of those and sent yet another suggestion:

Studio Fan Mail/ ( star's name goes here )
1122 S. Robertson Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90035

Again, I dont know, I only pass them on.

Have fun and be good, or if you cant be good be good at it.

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