Visit with My Daughter,
Son-in-Law, and 3 Grandchildren
in Chengdu, China & Hong Kong
Aug, 1999 .. PAGE 1

Click on small images below for full views
(Captions for pictures are at bottom of page)

1.                       2.                       3.                       4.                       5.
6.                       7.                       8.                       9.                       10.
11.                     12.                     13.                     14.                     15.
16.                     17.                     18.                     19.                     20.

  1. Martha and her Qiang Teacher Simon
  2. My 3 "Chinese" Grandchildren and I
  3. Trajan and I in Pedicab
  4. Trajan and Pedicab Driver
  5. Living in a 6th Floor Walk-up
  6. Asha, Trajan, and Erin Lester
  7. Milk Delivery
  8. The Kids with the Colonel (Kunda Ji)
  9. Downtown Chengdu
  10. Pedicab
  11. Trajan's Birthday Bowling Party
  12. Pedicab
  13. Joe & Trajan in Pedicab
  14. Pedicab
  15. Wool Delivery
  16. Trajan's Birthday Party
  17. Pagoda that will Soon be under Water
  18. Martha and the Girls Buying Dress Materials
  19. Lester Family
  20. Hong Kong Harbor and Island from Kowloon

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