In every way.
That's how you'll stay."
In my life there are many moments that are "unforgettable." I have shared some of them in my poetry and short stories. If you have unforgettable moments you would like to share, e-mail me at the address below. It could be a song, a fragrance that reminds you of some special event, an experience (good or bad) that is permanently a part of you. It might be something from childhood, such as the first time you rode a bicycle; your first date, or high school graduation; or some incident that might seem insignificant to others, but for some reason is important and unforgettable to you. One of my unforgettable moments is described in my low carb journal--the moment I first noticed that I could actually see muscle definition in my arm. I felt great Whatever it is, describe it as completely as possible, and e-mail it to me. I will post responses on this page.
Send E-mail to: thatblond@hotmail.com
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