Welcome to Rhiannon's Guestbook

Alcoran - 12/02/00 20:31:27
Education: Very harsh life
Interest: Living life the best I can
Interest: Trying to help other people
How did you find me?: Looking into your little group
Age: 19

Be very carefull when fooling around with magik it is very real and also very dangerous if used improperly. Just a helpful hint because just as it says at the begining of this page what goes around comes around three fold.

Alcoran - 12/02/00 20:25:12


Reannon - 10/30/00 02:24:38
My Email:rpalange@hotmail
Education: soph in college
Interest: painting
How did you find me?: through search
Age: 19


Karen Jagow - 10/29/00 22:23:54
My Email:karenlj@home.com
Education: High School
Interest: Reading, Faeries, King Arthur type stuff, Psyhic people, reading cards (Arthurian & Faerie) the Grinch!!
Interest: celtic readings, history, my husband and his Harley Davidson.
How did you find me?: www.faerie.net link
Age: 43 44 On Nov.28th

Thank you for taking the time to put together such a beautiful stressless site!! I work at Waldenbooks in a mall, which is stressful!! I love to come home and look at these beautiful sites for comfortj! Thanks again! Karen

Crystal - 07/05/00 23:55:06
My Email:Lavenderwater@aol.com
Education: GED
Interest: Walking the sacred path
Interest: Saving the Fairies
How did you find me?: Joelle's Sacred Grove
Age: 21

To see the world in a different light is indeed an adventure into ones own soul.

Breid Starfox - 07/01/00 20:09:00
My URL:www.geocities.com/nimuephoenix/index.html
My Email:breidstarfox@hotmail.com
Interest: Wicca
How did you find me?: surfing
Age: 30

Merry Meet !!! YOU HAVE A GREAT SITE !!!!!!!!! Lots of info...Love your grafics. I haven't had time to get to all of it but I will certainly be back real soon . Sending Love & Light Blessed Be !! Breid Starfox Of Circle Of Grain

Jim - 06/05/00 15:18:27
My URL:http://members.aol.com/amergin2/index.html
My Email:myrdinwylt@aol.com
How did you find me?: Signed my guestbook
Age: 41

Hi, Thanks for your comments about our site. I too am impressed with yours. Thanks for the treat and for your hard work. May the old ways find their home again in this new age.

oss. - 04/28/00 12:56:23
My Email:oss_g@yahoo.com
Education: high
Interest: islam magic
Interest: sigils &squares
How did you find me?: yahoo search
Age: 54

hi.. ur location is high good. i am intersting about islam magic & sigils and squares .i have a lot of info about islamic magic. i will pleas if i can find info about that at u. thanks .oss

- 04/28/00 12:46:20


rhiannon - 04/14/00 19:47:30
Education: College
Interest: scarpbooks
How did you find me?: typed rhiannon
Age: 22

Interesting website.

mcase - 03/14/00 21:51:51
My Email:mcase@billsfan.net
Education: BS Social/Sociology
Interest: Welsh and anything Welsh
Interest: British Isles, Reading, Music, (you know)
How did you find me?: library
Age: 44


Felipe_"Sr.Bolseiro" - 02/16/00 20:24:29
My Email:frosafa@zaz.com.br
Interest: Wicca, Celtic cuture, Runes
Interest: J.R.R.Tolkien books, Bagpipes
How did you find me?: search on Yahoo
Age: 16

Very good home page.Continue writing excelent pagan texts!!

Sylvan Fae - 02/06/00 08:30:36
My Email:sylvanfae@hotmail.com
Interest: paganism
How did you find me?: search engine

I just wanted to thank you for posting your story, about changing from a christian to a pagan, on your web site. I was glad to see that someone had gone through the same struggle that I am going through right now. I liked seeing the feelings I'm having de cribed by someone else. For instance, the part about it being scary to have to start thinking for yourself, instead of falling back on the answers your church has provided for you all your life. I also really like your web site. It's design is lovely and the content is great. I loved the pictures of the Green Man on the one section...he's one of my favorites. =) I'll be coming back to read more on your site, since it has really impressed me. Thanks so much, ~Sylvan Fae

Ken Hancock - 02/03/00 07:09:41
My Email:hancockk@chchpoly.ac.nz
Education: HNCElectric+Electronics, Diploma in CAD
Interest: Dowsing, natural therapies
Interest: photography, Feng Shui
How did you find me?: from the Cadre site at chchpoly.ac.nz
Age: 53

Would be good to know the aea of the world you are in. I was from north wales before coming to NZ. Enjoyed your page, especially the music. Enjoy Terry Pratchet books, also McCaffreys dragon series.

Cate Kerr - 12/27/99 12:56:54
My URL:http://www3.sympatico.ca/ci.kerr
My Email:ci.kerr@sympatico.ca
Education: Post graduate (too much???)
Interest: mythology, archeology, runes, art
Interest: ... and forest lore
How did you find me?: Browsing....
Age: Crone (quite ancient)

This is a lovely site to visit! Brightest blessings. Cate

Aine Nic Laisre - 10/05/99 01:42:00
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Atrium/8580
My Email:AineLaisr@aol.com
Education: Every day I am learning more
Interest: Writing
Interest: Cooking
How did you find me?: Onelist
Age: 26

Your page is very informative and beautiful. It is hard to find childrens stories out there and I bookmarked your page so that I have something to read my son. BB Aine

Siobhan O'Laoghaire-Sannes - 09/10/99 20:19:29
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/HawkMoon/
My Email:SiobhanOLS@yahoo.com

Your web site is wonderful. Please keep up this Goddess Blessed work.

BlackCrow - 09/09/99 13:06:12
My URL:http://black.crow.de
My Email:black@crow.de
Education: about and by nature
Interest: Druids, Wicca, Celtic shamanism, Wyda
Interest: traditional and modern biology
How did you find me?: looking for Paganism
Age: 24

Thanks a lot. Again and again I have tried to explain Paganism and the feeling about it to friends. In future, I will additionally show them your page. I'd be glad to hear from other Pagans, I have just begun to explore the pagan community in the net. Blessings from Hamburg(Germany)!

Rhiannon - 09/05/99 03:21:52
My Email:LHSDrmGrl9@AOL.com
Interest: Just got started in Paganism and Wicca about 3 years ago
How did you find me?: looked up Rhiannon
Age: 14

I don't know anyone else in my area who is into my religion,I would really like to meet some people to help me along. Please E-mail me .Thanks

rhiannon - 08/25/99 14:24:15
My URL:http://sites.netscape.net/rhiannonfay/
Education: never enough... curiosity is making it my hobby...
Interest: poetry, mythology, many things
How did you find me?: searchengine (snap)

very interesting page, i will certainly come back. btw. your graphics are wonderful. peace.

Lady Moonwalker - 08/16/99 21:28:14
My Email:wickengal@aol.com

Your website is wonderful........Blessed Be...Lady Moonwalker

yStormgweledydd - 06/24/99 06:31:45
My Email:Stormseer90@hotmail.com
Education: oh yeah, lots!
Interest: druidism
Interest: brats in Tucson who never reply to their phone calls
How did you find me?: at the library
Age: 30 so far in this life

I love the site m'lady!!! wow! Tell your son that I'll be visiting him soon, whether he calls me back or not, hehehe. Blessed be... :)

saleprechaun a.k.a john browne - 06/20/99 23:47:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Den/3978/index.html
My Email:johnbrowne@intertainment.co.za
Education: college
Interest: rock music
Interest: writing and reading
How did you find me?: geocities
Age: 25

While in most cases i would defend authors (being one) i have to agree with you. Writers are biased against Pagans. Even the writers that i enjoy are at times biased against paganism and anything "strange". Some how that has to change.

Mathew Roy Lee - 06/14/99 08:27:29
My URL:http://Newdegate telecenter
Education: Cert in Ag / Spirit warrior
Interest: spirituality of indigenious peoples .Health and welfare of family.Earth healling
How did you find me?: browse
Age: 28

Great stuff. Keep it up.Walk in love.

Mathew Roy Lee - 06/14/99 08:20:30
My URL:http://Newdegate telecenter
Education: Cert in Agriculture
Interest: all life,spirituality of the


robert odle - 05/16/99 02:17:35
My Email:rodle@uswest.net
Education: way too much
Interest: paganism
Interest: philosophy
How did you find me?: surfing
Age: 40

I especially enjoyed your pages on paganism. Your views on "the default religion" were quite refreshing. I especially liked the non-judgemental tone of your writing, which lacked the sticky-sweetness of most pagan web pages. As a traditional pagan bound to the sacred land, I was somewhat disheartened by your slightly pessimistic views towards humanity. Being somewhat of an optimist, I hope that our children at some point will realise the importance of their guardianship of th planet long before the "killer virus" scenario takes place. Still, you are to be commended for an open and honest website. Please continue to update and refine your pages. You shine compared to most. Good luck in the future.

Chris - 05/16/99 01:46:12
My URL:http://ourworld.compuserve.com/hompages/chays
How did you find me?: Looking for information on Christian sects

A very interesting and informative site. Nicely done. I stumbled on it while searching for other information, and I'm glad I did!

Dick Williams - 05/14/99 01:13:40
My Email:rwilli@softcom.net
Interest: Irish and Scottish History
How did you find me?: searching on Picts
Age: 64

Love your site! And the page on Picts was very informative and much in line with Rev. Wylie's description in his "History of the Scottish Nation" (published around 1870). Thanks.

Jasper - 05/07/99 17:39:29
My Email:JasperWuzHere@yahoo.com
Education: high school
Interest: many things
How did you find me?: surfing the web
Age: 17

Your page is cool!

Casper - 05/07/99 17:36:12
My Email:clelland_trishel
Education: high school
Interest: witch craft
Interest: spells
How did you find me?: the web
Age: 16

witch is cool

Sousonne - 04/18/99 01:37:12
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/GaiaWay/sousonne
My Email:sousonne@yahoo.com
Education: BA and MA Degrees
Interest: many
How did you find me?: surfing

What a terrific site. I really enjoyed my visit here. Very informative!

BryteUnicorn - 02/10/99 22:16:51
My URL:http://www.cyberstreet.com/users/unicorn/
My Email:unicorn@cyberstreet.com
Education: Computer Science
Interest: Mythology, folklore, paganism, Celtic culture & music, horses, dogs
How did you find me?: Celtic Knot Webring
Age: 38

Very nice site. As a matter of fact, I liked it so much that I've added it to my page's list of links. Blessed be!

SilverOwl - 12/01/98 02:59:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/7019/SilverOwl.html
My Email:redleg@prodigy.net
Education: B.A in Medieval Studies
Interest: Wicca
Interest: All things Celtic
How did you find me?: Clan of the Keltic Moon
Age: 31

Merry Meet. Love your page it is beautiful and very unique. One of the best that I have seen on the web. I will be back often. Brightest Blessings SilverOwl

dorothy griffith - 11/29/98 21:03:32
My Email:odg5@flash.net
How did you find me?: YOU FOUND ME!
Age: 36

Hey sis! Well, I got your e-mail, but I couldn't read your whole web page. Not enough time in a day. But I'll visit it again soon. Thanks for the info! Love, your baby sis.

Melisende - 11/12/98 10:44:05
My URL:/Athens/Styx/9329
My Email:mz_melisende
How did you find me?: Geocities

I have really enjoyed your wonderful pages. I shall be returning again. Take care on life's great journey!

Doreen - 11/11/98 15:22:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Troy/7080
My Email:motheral@ix.netcom.com
Education: Life itself!
Interest: History
Interest: Druidry
How did you find me?: Web ring
Age: 36

I loved the way you put your site together. The information was well written and a great guide to any person following a pagan path, Celtic, or otherwise! Keep up the great work! Many blessings to you!

10/26/98 10:24:54
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Marisa - 09/27/98 23:32:46
My Email:LdyMorte@aol.com
Education: Trade
Interest: Everything
How did you find me?: Link from a friend
Age: 21


Elizabeth StClair - 09/06/98 01:34:20
My URL:http://prodigy.com
My Email:TANKGIRL1@prodigy.net
Education: some college
Interest: reading
Interest: all things celtic
How did you find me?: the net
Age: 35

I love your website!!! It's so cool.

Cindy - 08/27/98 13:16:07
My Email:elalla@hotmail.com

Nice page...

Morwyn - 08/09/98 18:52:49
My Email:MausUndCo@aolcom
Education: Dont know the English phrase...
Interest: WWW, Reading, Roleplaying
Interest: Looking for interesting things (strange, but dont know how to describe...)
How did you find me?: Lycos
Age: 28

Dear Rhiannon, Im just watching this beatiful page and deceided to put a link on my (hopefully-soon-coming) homepage. Best wishes Morwyn

Greywolf - 07/30/98 00:45:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Tower/2691/
My Email:greywolf@ufl.edu
Education: BSEE
Interest: Myths, Legends, and Lore
Interest: Slaying Trolls
How did you find me?: We share a web ring
Age: 44

What a marvelous site! I am a former member of the SCA, but wanted more. So I helped form an organization called L.O.R.E. You may have heard of us...some of our members were attacked at Pensic and had their ears pulled off 2 years ago...anyway..check out .O.R.E.'s site..at http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Tower/2942. Once again...a great site!

SparklFary - 07/28/98 00:38:22
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/tiffany/339
My Email:SparklFary@aol.com
Education: graduate work
Interest: My children and Grandchildren, my first and true soul mate, and the children I teach
Interest: ancient civilizations
How did you find me?: Webring
Age: feels like centuries!!!

Your page is artisitically beautiful! What a happy place for me to stop and rest a while! Please visit me at my forest and give me suggestions on how better to present my page. I am a novice...... Remember...love sparkles!

"gwendolyna" - 07/23/98 22:15:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/1249
My Email:cwoodwar@wvu.edu
Education: College
Interest: music
Interest: writing
How did you find me?: pagan search
Age: 22

Great Page.... love this graphics

Kara Townsend - 07/03/98 06:30:42
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

Charis - 06/10/98 22:45:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Parthenon/9080
My Email:cauldronbrew@hotmail.com
Education: College grad - B.S.
Interest: All things Pagan
Interest: Meeting wonderful people :)
How did you find me?: Your entry in my guestbook
Age: 40 & getting better all the time!

Merry Meet!!! Your site is awesome! Your writing is a joy to read - thank you so very much! I hope you don't mind...but I would love to add a link to your page during my next update. Goddess Bless!

Wyndylynn Seabourne - 06/08/98 13:36:50
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/ladyWendy/sca.html
My Email:wyndylynn@hotmail.com
Education: some
Interest: sca
Age: Not likely!

Hey sis, Haven't visited your page in a while. Looks great. Looking forward to your search for king Arthurs sword page. I'm looking for a page I heard about for sca teens. Do you know of one? Well, TTFN, see you soon. Your sister in the dream, Wyndylynn

RUNE - 05/06/98 10:16:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/area51/shire/6593/
My Email:rune-master@msn.com
Education: Purdue EE, Electrician, Tool and Die Maker
Interest: Ancient Civilizations
Interest: Living with nature, The outdoors, Avid reader,
How did you find me?: Via the guestbook at Thalia's site at Indiana Pagan Groups
Age: 55

I was very glad to find your site. I have been given the gift of casting the runes. I have been studying the ancients for many years, being drawn closer to their ways just as you have. Thank you for all the hard work in putting this site together......... .....RUNE

Randi - 03/19/98 23:00:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Oracle/6223/
My Email:SQUACK@spacetech.com
Education: in high school
Interest: Wicca
Interest: Guitar
How did you find me?: links
Age: 15

Great page. Beautiful graphics and easy-to-read info.

J.E.Brown - 03/17/98 19:57:14
My URL:http://kbharchitect.com
My Email:jebrown@u.arizona.edu
Education: BA in Architecture
Interest: art/design
Interest: architecture
How did you find me?: given address by friend
Age: 24

the page looked kind of empty so i thought i would mess it up

C.J.Brown - 02/28/98 18:38:55
Education: BA in education
Interest: History
Interest: Kids
How did you find me?: surfed in
Age: old enough not to answer that

Nice site. I liked your Nana's page best as it is my primary interest, but the others were thought-provoking.

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