DSM-V Diagnostic Category Axis-III

Diagnosis - For diagnosis of this disorder, the subject must exhibit two or more of the following symptoms for a period greater than one year.

Treatment - If diagnosed early, such individuals may achieve a high degree of normalcy after several years of enrollment in academic programs, though their academic performance is typically low. Those diagnosed later in life are usually incurable, and such individuals can be expected to suffer from this disorder for life. The general course of the disorder for such individuals, is a continuous intensification with an accompanying increase in the number of symptoms over the course of their lives. The best prognosis available for them is continuous work-therapy, usually of a menial nature due to their mental state, and adequately isolated living space in which to pursue their relatively harmless obsessions; combined with immediate interventions to prevent the associated behavioral disorder of Communicativeness, a chronic condition where afflicted individuals attempt to inform the public of their strange ideas.

Comorbidity - There is a high degree of comorbidity of Mental Capability Disorder, and Expressiveness Through Writing Disorder, though the full extent such a dual diagnosis and any direct relationship between the etiologies of these disorders has yet to be established.