(unlinked topics are upcoming)
Bahá'í Belief
How strong is the Baha'i "Covenant"?
Pssst ... wanna see a picture of God?
Losing My Religion
- when is an "apostate" also a "covenant breaker"?
In Fear We Trust
- Bahá'u'lláh's pious condemnation of non-monotheists.
Institutional Investigation of Truth
- contradictions in the doctrine of free investigation, and the blasphemy of questioning scripture (incomplete).
How Was Abbas Infallable?
- To what extent do the Baha'i scriptures attribute infallibility to `Abdu'l-Baha? (incomplete).
The King of Grief
- Bahá'u'lláh's penchant for misery & self-pity.
Women of the House
- how a Bahá'í scholar bends contradictions to make inequality go away.
Separate but Equal?
- Sexual inequlatity in the Kitáb-i-Aqdas (incomplete).
Reality As God's Book
- contradictions in the Bahá'í doctrines of special and general revelation.
The Heart of the Aqdas - The Twin Pillars of Belief and Obedience.
Kitáb-i-Aqdas: Islamic Roots & Islamic Branches - how little the Kitáb-i-Aqdas changed the laws of Islam and the Bayan.
The New Calendar (not so new)
- where the Báb made minor changes to the traditional Iranian calendar to arrive at something he could call his own.
Adaptive Revelation - How the Bahá'í teachings adapt to appear more progressive.
Holy Blood and the Bahá'í Jihád
- from militaristic sect to suicide cult.
Visions of God
- a more prosaic explanation for the holy visions experienced by Bahá'u'lláh.
Parental Consent
- Bahá'u'lláh takes a step backward.
Bahá'í Prophecy
An Unforseen Calamity
- The Baha'i doomsday.
The Century of Peace
- an unfulfilled vision for the millenium.
Candles Without Wicks
- `Abdu'l-Bahá's "Seven Candles of Unity" don't seem to want to light.
The New Era Debaucle
- the Bahá'í publishing authorities change the facts and cover their tracks.
The New Era Revisited
- A response to a UHJ Research Department memorandum.
Is the Bahá'í Faith Emerging From Obscurity?
- the present lack of vigor in the Bahá'í world community.
Make Like A Messiah
-A critique of Shoghi Effendi's history of Bahá'u'lláh's temporal reign.
The Long Reign of Nasiru'd-Dín - how the Sháh of Írán confounded Bahá'í assassins and curses.
- analyses of other Bahá'í prophecies (incomplete).
- A look at the numbers: the years between Islam and Bahaism.
Bahá'í Science
Science vs. Religion
- `Abdu'l-Bahá takes a stand against "materialistic" science.
Bahá'í Creationists
- `Abdu'l-Bahá uses his metaphysics and false information to refute the evidence.
Popular Mechanics
- `Abdu'l-Bahá fails to keep abreast of the news.
The Greeks meet Jehovah - `Abdu'l-Bahá uses the principle of progressive revelation to rewrite history.
Planets and their Critters - Bahá'u'lláh's absurd pronouncement on astronomy.
Exploiting Nature
- Shoghi Effendi gives the Bahá'í Faith an element of super-industrial utopianism.
Shoghi Effendi
Universal House of Justice
The Báb
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