The Two Courts


: faq :

: NAfE :

: updates :

main : words : media : internals data : links : contact :

Our counter having been reset, this current one dates from 6.20.01:
FastCounter by bCentral

Last time this page was updated: July 16th, 2001.

Attention! We are finally skipping off of Geocities to our new address, Please start updating your bookmarks! The move is not yet complete and updated, but it will be soon. We'll try 8k for a while and see how it goes.

Move status: 80% complete. Only things missing: updating master links.

We will keep up out Geocities site as an archieve for those people who are still linking to our old locations, but it will no longer be updated.

Thanks, everyone who held faith in us and visited here!

~the Courts


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