What is Wicca?

Some of you may be wondering what Wicca is...well this is a short summary of my form of Wicca. First off, there are as many forms of Wicca as there are people practicing Wicca, and mine, is exactly that, mine. However, for the most part Wiccans follow what is known as the Wiccan Rede (actually only the last part denoting the actual rule or commandmant: An it harm none, do as thou wilt. This means that NO, Witches or Wiccans do not sacrifice animals, babies, or even worship the Christian Satan. These are beliefs that have plagued Witches since the formation of Christianity and rumors spread by those powerful in the church wishing all to follow them and support them in their endeavors with no questioning of their decisions.

There are main traditions that boast that those who choose to follow that path are following the same tradition as all else within that tradition, such as Gardnerian or Alexandrian. But mine, is that of a dischordic nature. I dont follow one certain path, i use what works and thats the way it is within my realm of sanity. If youve heard of Chaos Theory, then you may begin to understand, vaguely, how my mind works.

Wicca to me is a nature-based belief, i refuse to use the term religion because usually that word has connotations of a dogma or constructed belief system. I believe that all is related within nature and that every aspect of what we are as human beings revolve around that nature. I have an affinity for the things around me and always have, you may have read that I incorporate Shamanism into my practices, well this is also true. Native American (to coin a mass consumable phrase) beliefs have been part of my life since day one, and incorporating this newer form of Witchcraft (my opinion only) is not that difficult. Being that both entail following the wave of nature to achieve the things in life that are a pleasure, to me spirituality and wholeness within oneself, without devoting oneself blindly to a god such as Christianity.

Some people that follow the path of Wicca have a Goddess and a God to represent the entirety, the true cirle that is life, there is no life without having pieces of both male and female. The Gods and Godesses of those within Wicca, like the traditions, are also as numerous as the people practicing, each has a face and name they give the deities they choose to follow. As i said before, this is my choice of path, and if you would like a more generalized version of Wicca you will need to look elsewhere.

Yeah i suppose you can leave...