I'm very grateful to all who signed my Guestbook! Labai dekingas visiems, kas pasirase mano Sveciu knygoje!

12/21/00 21:57:11
Name: WebMaster My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City - Miestas: Kaunas State - Rajonas: Baltic States Country - Salis: Lithuania (Lietuva)
Nationality - Tautybe: Lithuanian Religion - Tikejimas: ISLAMAS Occupation - Uzsiemimas: Web Master

Come to Islam WebSite in Lithuanian Language: http://www.islamas.8k.com Viska apie ISLAMA Lietuviu Kalba. Laukiame Jusu patarimu....... Webmaster islamas@takas.lt

06/03/00 21:07:32
Name: Guldastasho My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City - Miestas: Bishkek State - Rajonas: Chuy Country - Salis: Kyrgyzstan
Nationality - Tautybe: Roushani Religion - Tikejimas: Ismaili Occupation - Uzsiemimas: Software Developer

YA ALI MADAD! Ya uj dumal bolshe ne naydu tvoy Email. Kak dela? Mne nravitsya tvoya teoriya naschet pecheneg. A chto ty nikogda ne govoril chto u tebya web-site est? P.S. A site klassnyi!!!!

05/02/00 15:19:57
Name: Roza My URL: Visit Me City - Miestas: Ottawa
State - Rajonas: ON Country - Salis: Canada Nationality - Tautybe: Tajik
Religion - Tikejimas: Shia Ismaili

Privet Valentinac, Pomnich menia? Izveni chto poteriala sviaz c toboi.Udavetelno entaresni web site.

03/16/00 12:40:30
Name: milda My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City - Miestas: Vilnius Country - Salis: Lietuva Nationality - Tautybe: lietuve
Religion - Tikejimas: katalike Occupation - Uzsiemimas: istorijos studente

geras!!!! labai netiketai radau si puslapi taciau labai dziaugiuosi - mat as noriu parasyti (kol kas) maza darbeli apie Lietuvos totorius ir labai noreciau gauti daugiai informacijos.butu nuostabu jei su manimi susisiektumete.

10/26/99 13:47:37
Name: Klemas My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City - Miestas: Siauliai Country - Salis: Lietuva Nationality - Tautybe: lietuvis
Religion - Tikejimas: buvau katalikas,dabar niekas Occupation - Uzsiemimas: anglu klb.mokytojas

Pagaliau radau si puslapi!Noriu tapti Musulmonu.Jeigu galite,padëkite. Klemas Vilimas

10/25/99 08:03:04
Name: Zhydrunas My URL: Visit Me City - Miestas: Vilnius
Country - Salis: Lietuva Nationality - Tautybe: lietuvis Religion - Tikejimas: -------------------------------------
Occupation - Uzsiemimas: Inzhinierius

Geras puslapi!Reikalingas!Achiu-pastudijuosiu dar kartely-tada atsilepsiu ishsamiau. Z

07/15/99 20:13:58
Name: Aquila City - Miestas: St. Petersburg State - Rajonas: Northwest
Country - Salis: Russia Nationality - Tautybe: Russian Religion - Tikejimas: Heathen
Occupation - Uzsiemimas: Freelance

Nice page. I have always said Ukrainians are Turks having nothing whatsoever to do with Russia or Russians. Pleased to see it propagated by Ukrainians (?) themselves.

07/15/99 20:13:47
Name: Aquila My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City - Miestas: St. Petersburg State - Rajonas: Northwest Country - Salis: Russia
Nationality - Tautybe: Russian Religion - Tikejimas: Heathen Occupation - Uzsiemimas: Freelance

Nice page. I have always said Ukrainians are Turks having nothing whatsoever to do with Russia or Russians. Pleased to see it propagated by Ukrainians (?) themselves.

05/18/99 11:58:00
Name: Adriana Bida My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City - Miestas: Montréal State - Rajonas: Quebec Country - Salis: Canada
Nationality - Tautybe: Ukrainian-American Religion - TikКjimas: Byzantine Catholic Occupation - Uzsiemimas: University Student

Hi! Thanks for visiting my page and signing the guestbook. I think your page is interesting and very well done. Keep up the good work!

04/26/99 18:53:15
Name: Patrick Buijs My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City - Miestas: Roosendaal Country - Salis: Netherlands Nationality - Tautybe: Dutch
Occupation - Uzsiemimas: Student HBO

Hello, nice homepage and keep on the good work!! please visit my site and give your comments by signing my guestbook -- thanks!!!

02/08/99 03:46:21
Name: Tomas aka Muslim My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City - Miestas: Vilnius Country - Salis: Lietuva Religion - Tikejimas: islamas
Occupation - Uzsiemimas: studentas


02/03/99 22:44:35
Name: Ryerson Ismailia Students' Association My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City - Miestas: Toronto State - Rajonas: ON Country - Salis: Canada
Nationality - Tautybe: Canadian Religion - Tikejimas: Shia Imami Nizari Ismailia Muslim Occupation - Uzsiemimas: Students

Ya Ali Madad...Its a pleasure to read about you and your knowledge about Ismailism, please let us know when you ever do plan to come to Toronto, Canada. The Ismaili youths would be delighted to meet fellow ismaili muslim from Eastern Europe

01/26/99 01:23:54
Name: Ray Masters My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me City - Miestas: Pocono Mountains
State - Rajonas: Pennsylvania Country - Salis: United States

The Minaret of Freedom is a free market/libertarian organization that may be of interest to you. Click here

12/07/98 00:52:49
Name: Tarik My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City - Miestas: kansas State - Rajonas: kansas Country - Salis: usa
Nationality - Tautybe: usa Religion - Tikejimas: islam Occupation - Uzsiemimas: student

Hello, You mentioned that you converted to shia ismaili religion. You should know that it is not a pure islam. I have been browsing web about Mr. Aga Khan. He says that he is a spiritual leader of shia muslims. I have seen hundreds of his pictures, what I have seen is that he is extremely rich, and it is because of his followers. Do you think it is t e personality of a religious leader? Aga Khan looks like some HollyWood guy, or a President of some country. In islam, a muslim only believe in Allah, and follow the sunnah of Muhammed (sws). In islam a person does not high position because he was born in some family or country. a person is muslim only if he believes in Sahadah no matter where he is born, what his race, color what ever it is. A person is better than other is one is more pious than other. If aga Khan was so pious then why he looks like a western tycoon? Does he not fear Alla ? does he not know that the number of rich in hell are much more than poor? Because rich people have to give every account of their wealth. He is a leader just because he was born into a famous family. Propher Mohammed was very poor even he was a leader, e was a leader not because his family made him, because the society made him. Ali was a khalifa not because he was born in a famous family, because the Ulama and shabah made him. You are blindly following a person who is rich and famous just because you people made him. He is shaking hands with christian west leaders. He shoudl have asked Allah's help, wheras he is licking western leaders feet. If he were a true leader, he would n t live such a fancy and glamour life wheras his people are suffering. Is not he the richest Ismaily? Ask Allah for your guidance, even if you wanna be rich ask Allah for it. Not the tycoon Aga Kha. In reality Aga Kha can make you millionaire, since He has billions. But, is it a religions? Take care, hope you see the light.

10/26/98 10:34:20
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

10/22/98 12:55:32
My URL: Visit Me


10/06/98 23:07:10
Name: *REZA* My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City - Miestas: `I`S`F`A`H`A`N` Country - Salis: `I`R`A`N` Nationality - Tautybe: IRANI
Religion - Tikejimas: SHIA...A LITTLE Occupation - Uzsiemimas: STUDENT/UNI


Cindy - 08/27/98 14:03:38
My URL:http://www.sexoo.com
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comment: Nice page... cum see the free sex at the url above!!

Kara Townsend - 07/03/98 07:00:07
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

05/31/98 07:57:17
Name: Yousef Hameedaldeen My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City - Miestas: Vienna State - Rajonas: Virginia Country - Salis: United States
Nationality - Tautybe: Yemeni Religion - Tikejimas: Muslim/Shia/Zaydi Occupation - Uzsiemimas: Student

I would like to know your opinion on the Zaydi thinking

05/26/98 12:25:46
Name: Abdulmalik Valla My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City - Miestas: Toronto State - Rajonas: Ontario Country - Salis: Canada
Nationality - Tautybe: Canadian Religion - Tikejimas: Shia Islam Ismaili Occupation - Uzsiemimas: Writer, poet and artist

Ya Ali Madad I congratulate you for your dicision. With the blessing of Allah that you have made a right choice. Now you are on the right path. There is nothing to gain after what you have gained. Be in touch, I always like to discuss religion and general knowledge. If you could let me know how you first came in contact with Ismailism and what was the main attraction. A. A. Valla May 26th 1998

05/07/98 22:53:45
Name: Volodymyr Rebinczak My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City - Miestas: Ottawa State - Rajonas: Ontario Country - Salis: Canada
Nationality - Tautybe: Canadian Religion - Tikejimas: Ukranian Orthodox Occupation - Uzsiemimas: Librarian

I enjoyed your site immensely. I am curious, however, as to what attracted you to Islam. I had a girlfriend once who was muslim. We cared for each other (love?) alot, but she would only marry me if I converted to Islam. I just couldn't bring myself to do t. Recently I have converted from Ukrainian Catholic to Ukrainian Orthodox, despite my misgivings about the chaotic situation in the church in Ukraine. I still admire the patriotic role that the Ukrainian Catholic Church played during WWII and in more re ent times. Without the OUN and the Ukrainian Catholic Church, Ukraine would not be independent. Nevertheless, when I went to the Ukranian Catholic Church I had trouble speaking to God and hearing him. I felt weighed down by the nationalism and the authori arian Catholic priests. I'd like to hear about your experiences with Islam. Yours Truly, Volodymyr

04/23/98 07:42:01
Name: shaffique My URL: Visit Me City - Miestas: otttaawa
State - Rajonas: ontario Country - Salis: canada Nationality - Tautybe: indo/african
Religion - Tikejimas: shia imami ismaili Occupation - Uzsiemimas: medical proffessional

i have very good friends here in canada who came as refugees from the ukraine. ya ali madat & welcome to ismailism ,,, may you be blessed for your decision. very interesting to know that the HAZAR IMAM is all over the world/ummah .... lots of luick , prayers for you and your family and friends .

04/11/98 06:05:15
Name: Zahra3 (my alias :o) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Country - Salis: USA Nationality - Tautybe: American Religion - Tikejimas: Ithna Asheri Muslim
Occupation - Uzsiemimas: student

Interesting page you have--look forward to reading more!

03/29/98 22:36:03
Name: Saima My URL: Visit Me City - Miestas: Chicago
State - Rajonas: Illinois Country - Salis: USA Nationality - Tautybe: Pakistani
Religion - Tikejimas: Ismaili Occupation - Uzsiemimas: Student

Wow! Amazing! I usually get discriminated for being an Ismaili Muslim. Some Muslims don't even consider us Muslims and now I find out that some other person from another religion wants to convert to Ismailism. I find it really amazing. By the way, I like our site. Keep up the good work.

03/18/98 22:27:12
Name: zahir dharsee My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City - Miestas: toronto State - Rajonas: ontario Country - Salis: canada
Nationality - Tautybe: canadian Religion - Tikejimas: shia imami ismaili muslim Occupation - Uzsiemimas: auditor

I admire your iman (belief) in ismailism. Keep it up as you are an inspiration to many.

02/21/98 04:25:12
Name: shiraz My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City - Miestas: Syracuse State - Rajonas: NY Country - Salis: USA
Nationality - Tautybe: Indian Religion - Tikejimas: Shia-Ismaili Occupation - Uzsiemimas: college student

i am glad that at least there are some people out there who hold high regards for Hazar Imam. Yes indeed, I too am deeply connected to the Imam and see him as the only true descendent of the Prophet. Not today, not tomorrow, but Insahallah someday all wil recongnize the imam-e-zaman.

02/20/98 23:44:06
Name: Sadrudin Laiwala My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City - Miestas: Fremont State - Rajonas: Ca Country - Salis: US
Nationality - Tautybe: US Religion - Tikejimas: Ismailia Occupation - Uzsiemimas: Engineer

Ya Ali Madad: I would like to find out, how many ismailies lives in your country? How did you come across the religion? What was your irrational way that make you to convert?

01/19/98 07:10:27
Name: Valentinas
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

This is test. Tai bandymas.

01/16/98 02:30:31
Name: Alicia Virani My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City - Miestas: Chicago/The Windy City!!! State - Rajonas: Illinois Country - Salis: USA
Religion - Tikejimas: Shia Imami Ismaili Muslim

You have done a WONDERFUL job on this page. Keep going. May Mowla give you the strength that you need! Your friend. - Alicia

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