Toby Griffen

Toby D. Griffen

Professor Emeritus
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville



Books & Monographs:

  1. An Applied Linguistic Approach to German Word-Order, Wichita State University Studies #106, 1976
  2. Aspects of Dynamic Phonology, Current Issues in Linguistic Theory #37, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1985
  3. Germano-European: Breaking the Sound Law, Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1988
  4. The Linguistics of Welsh Literature, editor, special issue of Language Sciences, Volume 15, Number 2, 1993
  5. Names from the Dawn of British Legend: Taliesin, Aneirin, Myrddin/Merlin, Arthur, Felinfach, Lampeter (Wales): Llanerch Publications, 1994
  6. Celebrating the Celtic Saints: As Candles on a Stand, Springfield: IL: Templegate, 1998.
  7. The Last Battle of the Gododdin: The Hidden Poem in Armes Prydein, Felinfach, Lampeter (Wales): Llanerch Publications, 2001
  8. Phonetic Regularity in Welsh Poetry, Lampeter: Edwin Mellen Press, 2004

Articles & Published Papers:

  1. "The Development of Welsh Affricates: A Change through Borrowing," Lingua 34 (1974), 149-65
  2. "Lenis Initials in Welsh Borrowings," Language Sciences 36 (1975), 6-12
  3. "On Describing the Cluster Prosody," LACUS Forum 1 (1975), 140-47
  4. "Stratificational Grammar and an Hierarchical Phonology," Views on Language, ed. by R. Ordoubadian and W. von Raffler-Engel, 245-49, Murfreesboro, TN: Interuniversity Press, 1975
  5. "Some Principles of a Nonsegmental Phonology," 1975 Mid-America Linguistics Conference Papers, ed. by F. Ingemann, 145-55, Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas, 1976
  6. "Toward a Nonsegmental Phonology," Lingua 40 (1976), 1-20 [Rpt. in Phonology: Critical Concepts in Linguistics, ed. by Charles W. Kreidler, see below]
  7. "An Inner-Approach Analysis of the Fortis-Lenis Scale," Proceedings of the 1976 Mid-America Linguistics Conference, ed. by R.L. Brown, Jr., K. Houlihan, L.G. Hutchinson, and A. MacLeish, 109-114, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, 1977
  8. "Functional Relationships in an Hierarchical Phonology," LACUS Forum 3 (1977), 473-79
  9. "German [x]," Lingua 43 (1977), 375-90
  10. Review of H.-H. Wängler, Instruction in German Pronunciation, 3rd ed., St. Paul: EMC Corporation, 1972. In: Die Unterrichtspraxis 10 (1977) 163-64
  11. "Teaching Pronunciation in the Dynamic Mode," Die Unterrichtspraxis 10 (1977), 77-81
  12. "The Archiphoneme in Historical Linguistics," Forum Linguisticum 2 (1977), 107-118
  13. "Phonology - The State of the Art," The SECOL Bulletin 2:2 (1978), 15-28
  14. "Stratificational Description in Language Acquisition," Papers from the 1977 Mid-America Linguistics Conference, ed. by D.M. Lance and D.E. Gulstad, 81-86, Columbia, MO: University of Missouri, 1978
  15. "The Case against Allophony," LACUS Forum 4 (1978), 484-90
  16. "Language as a First-Level Abstraction," LACUS Forum 5 (1978), 555-61
  17. "Lenition, Provection, and the Indo-European Sound Shift," Forum Linguisticum 4 (1979), 26-43
  18. "On Phonological Stress in Welsh," Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies 28 (1979), 106-112
  19. "A Nonsegmental Approach to the Teaching of Pronunciation," Revue de Phonétique Appliquée 54 (1980), 81-94 [Rpt. in Teaching English Pronunciation, ed. by A. Brown, see below]
  20. "Nationalism and the Emergence of a New Standard Welsh," Language Problems and Language Planning 4 (1980), 187-94
  21. "Provection from Prosodic Constraint," LACUS Forum 6 (1980), 102-110
  22. "The Passive in Welsh; A Relational Analysis," Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies 28 (1980), 448-78
  23. "The Reverse Shift Hypothesis," The SECOL Bulletin 4:2 (1980), 72-76
  24. "A Nonsegmental Model for Description and Analysis," Phonology in the 1980's, ed. by D. Goyvaerts, 617-34, Ghent: Story Scientia, 1981
  25. "German Affricates," Lingua 53 (1981), 175-89
  26. "Prosodic Alliteration in Cynghanedd Poetry," Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies 29 (1981), 497-503
  27. "Slips of the Tongue and Metathesis in a Nonsegmental Phonology," LACUS Forum 7 (1981), 138-44
  28. "The German Passive: Analysis and Teaching Technique," Die Unterrichtspraxis 14 (1981), 59-64
  29. "The High German Sound Shift: Phonetic Justification," Papers from the 1980 Mid-America Linguistics Conference, ed. by M.M.T. Henderson, 199-206, Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas, 1981
  30. "German /R/," Lingua 56 (1982), 297-316
  31. "On the Position of Germanic in the Indo-European Sound Shift," Colloquia Germanica 15:1 (1982), 1-16
  32. Review of D.B. Gregor, Celtic: A Comparative Study, Cambridge: Oleander Press, 1980. In: Language Problems and Language Planning 6 (1982), 322-25
  33. Review of B.B. Khleif, Language, Ethnicity, and Education in Wales, The Hague: Mouton, 1980. In: Language Problems and Language Planning 6 (1982), 326-29
  34. "Voice-Tension Competition in Greek and Latin," Forum Linguisticum 6 (1982), 202-216
  35. "Vowel Affection in Dynamic Phonology," LACUS Forum 8 (1982), 207-217
  36. "Nonsegmental Phonology as Functional Dynamic Phonetics," Essays in Honor of Charles F. Hockett, ed. by F.B. Agarda, G. Kelley, A. Makkai, and V.B. Makkai, 350-67. Leiden: Brill, 1983
  37. "The Swabian Voiceless Vowel," Word 34 (1983), 145-73
  38. "Totally Obstructed Syllables in Dynamic Phonology," LACUS Forum 9 (1983), 207-215
  39. "Dynamic Phonology and the Indo-European Sound Shift," LACUS Forum 10 (1984), 155-66
  40. "Early Welsh Eclipsis: Dynamic Analysis," Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies 31 (1984), 48-61
  41. "On the Metaplastic Negative in French, Welsh, and Swabian," Forum Linguisticum 8 (1984), 39-49
  42. "Early Welsh Aspiration: A Dynamic Perspective," Word 36 (1985), 211-35
  43. "On Middle Welsh Auslautsverhärtung," Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies 32 (1985), 157-62
  44. "Rückkehr des Fremdsprachenzwanges: Situation des deutschen Studiums an einer amerikanischen Universität," Auslandskurier/Diplomatischer Kurier 26:3 (1985), 26-27
  45. "The Swabian First-Person Plural," LACUS Forum 11 (1985), 137-42
  46. "On Middle Welsh Final Lengthening," Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies 33 (1986), 9-17
  47. Review of M. Stephens, The Oxford Companion to the Literature of Wales, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986. In: Papers in Language and Literature 22 (1986), 448-51
  48. "Segmenting the Unsegmentable: Dynamic Phonology and Swabian Orthography," LACUS Forum 12 (1986), 195-201
  49. "Symmetry in Swabian Umlaut Patterns," LACUS Forum 13 (1987), 27-35
  50. "Middle Welsh Vowel Assimilation Patterns: Interacting Parameters," Studia Celtica 22/23 (1987/88), 146-56
  51. "Cymric Language and Logic," LACUS Forum 14 (1988), 88-96
  52. "Nostratic and Germano-European," General Linguistics 29 (1989), 139-49
  53. "The Dynamics of Vowel Quantity in Welsh," Word 40 (1989), 335-47
  54. "Toward a Dynamic Sound Law: The Sibilants in British," LACUS Forum 15 (1989), 383-89
  55. "Teaching the Relative Clause through Asyndeta: A Structural/Historical Approach," Die Unterrichtspraxis 23 (1990), 159-62
  56. "Comedy versus Tragedy: Helmut Schmid's Schüsse im Staatsforst," Essays in Literature 17 (1990), 284-94
  57. "Compensatory Lengthening: Nonlinear and Dynamic Analyses," LACUS Forum 16 (1990), 279-85
  58. "Degemination Strategies in New High German and Swabian," Lingua 82 (1990), 131-49
  59. "Old Welsh ll and rh," Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies 37 (1990), 89-103
  60. "A Nonsegmental Approach to the Teaching of Pronunciation," Teaching English Pronunciation, ed. by A. Brown, 178-90. London: Routledge, 1991 [Rpt. from Revue de Phonétique Appliquée, see 19 above]
  61. "The Cause of Sibilant Aspiration in British," LACUS Forum 17 (1991), 146-50
  62. "Epenthesis and the Old Welsh Accent Shift," Studia Celtica 26/27 (1991/92), 163-74
  63. "Mesotomy and Phonological Theory," LACUS Forum 18 (1992), 279-84
  64. "On Comparing Fields," Communications of the Workshop on Scientific Linguistics 2:7 (1992), 35-38
  65. "Transition Tempo in Swabian," Lingua 88 (1992), 149-63
  66. "Generic Consonant Correspondences in Canu Aneirin," Journal of Celtic Linguistics, 2 (1993), 93-105
  67. "Germano-European and the Phonetic Plausibility Theory," Word 44 (1993), 473-84
  68. "Mesotomic Syllables in the Armes Prydein," Linguistics of Welsh Literature (= Language Sciences, special issue 15/2), ed. by T.D. Griffen, 91-106. Oxford: Pergamon, 1993
  69. "Phonological Syllables in Armes Prydein," LACUS Forum 19 (1993), 381-86
  70. "Preface: Why the Linguistics of Welsh Literature?" Linguistics of Welsh Literature (= Language Sciences, special issue 15/2), ed. by T.D. Griffen, 77-80. Oxford: Pergamon, 1993
  71. "Altaic, Germano-European, and Nostratic: The Evidence of Phonetics and Phonological Systems," Mother Tongue 22 (1994), 38-50
  72. "Nonsyllabics in Armes Prydein," Journal of Celtic Linguistics 3 (1994), 75-93
  73. "Toward a One-Dimensional Syllable Analysis," LACUS Forum 20 (1994), 239-44
  74. "Music and Accent Discrepancy," LACUS Forum 21 (1995), 95-99
  75. "Pitch and Vowel Reduction/Centralization" LACUS Forum (22) (1996), 435-40
  76. "Stress, Pitch, and Vowel Reduction," General Linguistics 36 (1996), 17-32
  77. "A Single Accent Rule for Cynghanedd," Journal of Celtic Linguistics 7 (1997), 125-35
  78. "Pitch Accent, Cynghanedd, and Notionalism," LACUS Forum 23 (1997), 595-600
  79. "The Extended Syllable," Linguistic Studies in Honor of Bohdan Saciuk, ed. by R.M. Hammond and M.G. MacDonald, 277-84, West Lafayette, IN: Learning Systems Inc., 1997
  80. "Welsh Alveopalatals: Functional Pattern Attraction," Word 48 (1997), 353-66
  81. "Why was St David called St David Aquaticus?" Y Drych 146:2 (1997), 10-11
  82. "The Law of the Sibilants in Brythonic," Studia Celtica (Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies) 31 (1997), 125-33
  83. "Aber Perydon: River of Death," Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium 15 (1998), 32-41
  84. "The Invisible Consonants in Cynghanedd Poetry," LACUS Forum 24 (1998), 37-43
  85. "Acoustic versus Physiological Lenition: The Revised Motor Theory in Action," LACUS Forum 25 (1999), 119-26
  86. "A Dynamic Approach to Bartholomae's and Grassmann's Laws," General Linguistics, 36 (1999), 205-26
  87. "Literary Assumptions and Linguistic Analysis in Poetics," Publication of the Illinois Philological Association 2 (1999),
  88. "Unraveling Holtzmann's Law," 1998 Mid-America Linguistics Conference Papers, ed. by Nancy M. Lutz and Ronald P. Schaefer, 9-16. Lawrence: University of Kansas, 1999
  89. "A Change in Welsh from a Change in Music?" Celtic Cultural Studies (2000),
  90. "The Dilemma of the Welsh Sentence Particle: Empiricism in Stratificational Linguistics," Functional Approaches to Language, Culture and Cognition. Papers in Honor of Sydney M. Lamb, ed. by J.E. Copeland, P.H. Fries, and D.G. Lockwood, 105-122. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 163. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2000
  91. "The Grammar of the Pictish Symbol Stones," LACUS Forum 27 (2001), 217-26
  92. "Toward a Nonsegmental Phonology," Phonology: Critical Concepts in Linguistics, ed. by Charles W. Kreidler, vol 5, 20-39. London: Routledge, 2001 [Rpt. from Lingua, see 6 above]
  93. "Reconstructing Ogam *P," LACUS Forum 28 (2002), 233-38
  94. "Letters, Numbers, and the Dating of Ogam," LACUS Forum 29 (2003), 83-89
  95. "The Great Famine and the Collapse of the Pax Britannica," Celtic Cultural Studies (2003),
  96. "The Inscriptions on Jela 1 and 2," The Journal of Indo-European Studies 31 (2003), 87-93
  97. "Deciphering the Inscriptions on Jela 1 and 2," The Journal of Indo-European Studies 32 (2004), 11-23
  98. "Toward a Decipherment of Jela 1 and 2," LACUS Forum 30 (2004), 97-104
  99. "From Art to Writing: The Megalithic Impetus for Ogam Script," LACUS Forum 31 (2005), 227-33
  100. "Language and Fragmentation: The Case of Celtic Britain," LACUS Forum 32 (2006), 23-30
  101. "Motif versus Logogram in Vinča Inscriptions," LACUS Forum 34, in press
  102. "Ogam *P," General Linguistics, in press

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