Date _____________________________
Period _____________

Social Studies 6
Course Syllabus

Teacher: Mr. Gilbert González
School Phone: (858) 278-5917
Room 108
School E-Mail:
Web Site:

Course Description:

Social Studies 6 will allow the student to develop an appreciation and understanding of ancient world history. The study of ancient man, Ancient Egypt, Ancient China, Ancient India, Ancient Greece, and Ancient Rome are included. Students will learn to understand how economic, geographical, and political forces have changed our world. Students will learn how to make connections and relationships between events, respect other cultures, and become informed citizens. The California State History-Social Studies Standards will be followed. Students will develop reading, writing, thinking, speaking, and research skills, and will learn to work together cooperatively. The use of technology and the arts will be included within the program whenever possible.

Student Responsibilities:

In order to facilitate learning, the student must take responsibility for his or her learning. The following class rules will be enforced.

1. Always come prepared with all materials.
2. Always treat yourself and others with respect.
3. Always respect property.
4. Always follow directions and procedures.
5. Always be on time and ready to work.
6. No food, gum or drinks. Plain water in capped plastic bottles are permitted.

A student’s progress will be seriously hindered for those who choose to disrupt the learning process.

If the student chooses to disrupt the learning process:

1. Warning
2. Class Consequence
3. Consequence and parent/guardian notified.
4. Consequence, parent/guardian notified, meeting with the parent(s).
5. Referral to counselors, vice-principal, or principal.
Consequences may include time-outs, after-school or lunch detention, campus or classroom cleanup, discipline reports or referral to a counselor or administrator. At the discretion of the teacher, any of the above consequences may be given as the situation warrants. Parents will be notified in advance if students are to stay after school. After-school detention will be given only on days when there is a late bus available.

Serious Behaviors
Referrals will be submitted for the following situations:
1. Suspicion or observation of weapon possession (Zero Tolerance).
2. Suspicion of student being under the influence of controlled substances.
3. Fighting.
4. Profanity directed at an adult.
5. Defiance
6. Sexual harassment

All district, and school rules and policies will be supported and enforced.

History Class Grading
Grading is based upon a students' mastery of the California State Social Studies Standards. Students'; knowledge will be assessed in a variety of ways such as tests, reports, presentations, projects, journals, homework, participation and observation. Rubrics will be used to determine if a project has met the standard.

Homework/Class Assignments/Quizzes/Participation 30%
Projects/Tests/Reports 40%
Notebooks 30%

Homework, when assigned, must be neat, on time, and fully completed. Parents may be asked to verify the student's work. All homework must be brought to class everyday and completed by the due date. I will not accept student excuses for late homework. However, if a true problem arises, a note from the student's parent/guardian will be accepted. In the case of illness, the student has the responsibility to get and complete the missing homework.

Notebooks: Students will do many of their class assignments within notebooks. These notebooks will be checked periodically for neatness, organization and completeness. The work will be counted and graded. Students will be given ONE notebook by the teacher to begin the school year. Subsequent notebooks need to be provided by the student. Only one notebook will be needed in class at one time. The rest may be left at home until needed. Four notebooks (70 page, spiral bound) should be enough for the year. All notebook assignments are expected to be completed. In case of student absence, the student will be allowed to make up the work.

Class work and Projects:
Students are expected to do all class work. This includes participating in discussions, group work, reading and writing assignments, oral presentations, listening, and other class activities. All projects are extremely important and must be completed. Students need to follow all instructions for the projects. Students may redo a project to receive a higher grade within a stated time period.

Tutoring: Tutoring, test make-up and extra-project time will be provided after school by appointment.

This is the name of my website. Here you will find information about class assignments, projects, and other important information about my classes. It will be updated as time permits..

Required Materials:
Students are REQUIRED to bring to class:

1. A well organized binder.
2. The CPMA Student Handbook/Planner
3. At least three black or blue ink pens and three sharpened pencils.
4. A generous supply of lined paper.
5. A Spiral Notebook (The first Notebook will be provided by the teacher. Later notebooks (about 4) should be provided by the student)
6. All required class work and homework.

A personal pencil sharpener will insure that the student does not have to leave his/her seat during lessons.
Because of the many projects, students will want to have a ruler, a personal set of colored pencils and various other art supplies.

In order to help students achieve their full potential, I need the support of parents to consistently monitor their students’ work habits, progress, and behavior. Students should have a quiet place to work and a consistent study time. Agendas, homework, and schoolwork should be checked that they are complete and on time. With parents’ support, I am sure that the students’ year will be both successful and rewarding.

I will keep parents notified of their students’ progress, and any behavior problems. At times I may recommend that the student do additional work or attend after-school tutoring.

Students will be held accountable for their actions. They are to participate at all times, attend class regularly, turn in all work on time, behave appropriately and always give their best effort. School should be taken seriously, and education should be made a priority. You child's success is important to me so I will not accept anything less. I am looking forward to an outstanding year.
Mr. González

Every Student Will Achieve!

September, 2008

A Letter to Parents and Students

Dear Parents and Students,
Welcome to my class. My name is Mr. Gilbert González and I am very happy that I will be your Social Studies teacher this year at here at CPMA. I am looking forward to a rewarding year full of new friends, new experiences and new knowledge.
I love teaching at CPMA. I truly feel that this school is one of the best in the district and I am proud to be part of its family. This is my twenty-fifth year with the San Diego School District. I also grew up in San Diego and attended Bell Junior High and Morse High School. Later, I attended Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles.
When I was growing up, I always wanted to become a teacher. My parents and teachers encouraged me to follow my dream and I listened to them. I studied hard and focused on my goal. The schools in San Diego prepared me well for college. Although I attended a University in Los Angeles, I always knew that I would return to San Diego. I wanted to help others see that they, too, could achieve their dream.
I believe that all students can achieve their goals if they work hard and focus on the future. Every student has gifts which they must discover and nurture. It is my job to help students discover their gifts and to show students how to turn these gifts into a successful future. I want to give the students the tools they need to continue growing and learning. I don’t want students to “settle” for an “okay” grade, because I don’t want students to settle for lives which are just “okay.” I want the students to have opportunities to go places, do what they choose to do, and live where they want to live. I want all students to be successful.
I am credentialed by the State of California to teach English, History, and Computer Applications and Concepts. I have taught in both middle school and high school. I have been certified “Highly Qualified” to teach Elementary and Secondary English, Reading, Language Arts, Drama, Theater, History, Economics, Geography, Civics, Government and Elementary:General Subjects. I look forward to using my knowledge and experience to help my students become better learners. As a lifelong learner, I also want to learn more by working with my students to explore history and how it relates to modern times. Together, we will improve as historians, and as learners. My students will achieve.
I look forward to getting to know all of you this year. By working together, I am sure that we can make dreams come true. We will have a great year!

Mr. González

Please return the following section to Mr. González.

Parent Response and Contact Information

Student Name______________________________________________

Period ______________

I have read the Social Studies 6 Syllabus and letter.

Parent Signature_____________________________________________________

Phone _____________________________________________________________

E-mail ____________________________________________________________
