Pagan/Wiccan FAQ
page 3

Here are two rituals, the first being a full body cleansing (very useful after a period of bad times), the second is a protection pouch (nice to know if someone close to you starts doing things less than ethical with their talents).

Body Cleansing:

Items needed:

Spring water
bowl large enough to have a sponge bath in.
Rose Absolute (a type of rose oil)
4 Silver candles
One white candle
incense, preferable vanilla but it can be whatever you choose.
A piece of cloth, preferably a natural material. (wool)

Set the four silver candles at the points of a compass, make sure they are far enough apart to let you, the bowl, the incense and white candle all fit within them comfortably (about 4-5 feet apart). Note: this is a silent ritual, so do not speak or have music playing, the only sound should be of nature.

Light the four candles, set the bowl with spring water in front of you (you may want to put a towel down first so you don't get the floor wet, and make sure it is warm enough so you don't get sick), sit on your knees, so make sure that you have enough towels so you knees won't get sore. Since this is a bath it is generally best to perform this in the nude. Add the Rose Oil to the water and stir with the cloth. Light the white candle and place on one side of you, do the same with the incense and place it to the other side.

Now starting at the hands, slowly wash up the arms, the face, neck, and then work you way down. Upon reaching the thighs it may help to sit on one knee, and switch legs upon finishing with the other. Wash every part of you, so you should be coated in a tiny amount of oil upon completion. After doing this, set the bowl and cloth outside the four candles, and sit back down (either on knees or in lotus position) wave your hands in the smoke of the incense and white candle so that they wash over you as well. Extinguish the silver candles, but leave the white one and the incense burning. Sit for a while, meditate if you want, if not, just enjoy the silence and peace.

Remember, this won't work unless you are capable of doing it, if your heart, mind, body, spirit are not in it, it won't work. It is a good idea to meditate prior to beginning, and as this is performed skyclad, it's a good idea to make sure you won't be disturbed during the ritual. Naturally all items used should be consecrated prior to beginning the ritual. This is a simple ritual and it's rather difficult to do something wrong, beginners can do this for practice, those that have been going through rough times, and not a bad idea to do this every so often just for the sake of it.

Protection Pouch:
This is designed to not allow harm created by an individual to afflict those who are part/included in the pouch.

Items needed:

one pouch (preferable leather and waterproof (must be at least water proof)
sand or dirt (as it is the symbol of the earth)
personal objects *small ones* (yours, the individual that is causing problems, and others whom are in need of the same protection as you)
One silver candle
One white candle
one incense stick (a natural scent ie-vanilla, jasmine)
Salt (preferably sea salt, and if you know how to consecrate it, do so)
First begin by lighting the incense and candles, make sure you have something to catch the wax and ash, you will need both later.
Run the pouch through the candle's heat (both candles, don't light it on fire), then run it through the smoke of the incense. In a clean bowl mix the salt and sand together, use enough so that you can fit all of the objects into the pouch while being surrounded by the sand and salt. Pour a small amount into the bottom of the pouch.
Pass each object (except the individual the protection is against) through the candle (white) and incense as you did with the pouch, and place each object directly into the pouch upon completing this. As more objects are placed in the pouch, add more of the salt/sand mixture in order to cover and bury them.

Take the individuals object, and slowly wrap it in the melted wax (from the silver candle), continuing until it is entirely covered and sealed within the wax. While it is still warm and soft, roll it in the salt/sand mixture covering it. As you place it in the pouch say these words:

'As this symbol is sealed so be the harm it represents, as it does not touch the others, let not the harm it creates touch as well, as it is above, so be it below'

Place it in the pouch, fill the pouch with enough sand/salt so that you are still able to pull it closed and tie it. Take the ash from the incense and put it in the pouch. Tie the pouch closed extinguish the silver candle, allow the incense to burn away.
Take the melted wax of the white candle and begin sealing the opening and especially the knot that keeps the pouch closed, as you do this say these words:

'As this is sealed with light of the healing candle, let all that is within stay within until such time as I break the seal of which I have created here, as it is above, so be it below, and as it is said, so mote it be.'

Now place the pouch where it won't be disturbed or lost, the manner of this spell allows it's workings to take place without it having to be carried, so don't. Clean up, and enjoy the rest of the day or night, whichever may apply.

Both of these rituals are best performed within a Circle, but they don't have to be. Make sure you know what you are doing before hand, don't start the ritual and read as you go...

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