There are three kinds of links on this page: 1) listservs where those interested in following Francis and Clare maintain discussions; 2) web pages of religious orders, First, Second, and Third; and 3) other Franciscan links.


ANGFRAN-L: This is the web site of the listserv for Anglican Franciscan discussions.

ASSISI- L: This is the web site of the ASSISI-L listserv, which tends to be focused more on Roman Catholics, although open to everyone.

FrNet-L: This is the web page of the Franciscan Networking listserv.


Order of Friars Minor: Roman Catholic order, the "first" First Order (for men), founded by Francis himself.

Order of Friars Minor Conventuals: Another Roman Catholic First Order for men.

Society of Saint Francis (American Province): Anglican First Order men.

Society of Saint Francis (European Province): Anglican First Order men.

Franciscan Friars of the Renewal

Franciscan Cyberspot: Site of the OFM in the Holy Land and Malta.

Poor Clares: Roman Catholic Second Order Sisters.

Franciscan Order of Celi De: Third Order Franciscan Community in the Anglican Communion, with an emphasis on Celtic traditions.

Order of Ecumenical Franciscans: Ecumenical Third Order, mainly Protestants.

Secular Franciscan Order: English language homepage for the SFO worldwide (also available in Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and others).

National Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan Order--USA: Website for the Roman Catholic SFO's in the U.S.

Third Order, Society of Saint Francis: The main Third Order in the Anglican Communion.


Temple of St. Francis

United Methodist Franciscans

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