Al~Makthaba Dar As~Salaf

Our Objectives

(1) A return to the sublime Qur'aan and Sunnah of the Prophet (S) and to Comprehend them both according to the understanding of as-Salaf us-Saalih (the Pious Predecessors), may Allaah be pleased with them all, acting upon the saying of our Lord . the Majestic :

"If anyone contends with the Messenger , even after the Guidance has been plainly conveyed to him and follows a path other then that of the Believers, We shall leave him in the path he has chosen and land him in Hell. What an evil refuge!"

[Sooratun-Nisa (4):115]

And His, the One free from all imperfections, saying :

"So if they believe as you believe, they are indeed on the right path"

[Sooratul-Baqarah (2):137]

(2) To purify every thing related to the life of the Muslim from Shirk (associating partners with Allaah) in its various forms and to warn them against the wicked innovations (Bid'ah) in the Creed ('Aqeedah) and acts of worship ('Ibaadah) and false ideas introduced from outside and to cleanse the sunnah of the weak and fabricated narration's which have tarnished the pure nature of Islaam and have been a cause of prevention of the progress of the Muslims, in realisaton of the responsibility due to knowledge and due to the saying of the noble Messenger:

" This knowledge will be carried by the trustworthy ones of every generation , they will expel from it the alterations made by those going beyond bound and the false claims of the liars and the false interpretations of the ignorant."

And in obedience to the order of Allaah , the Mighty and Majestic ;

"Help you one another in righteousness and piety but help you not one another in sin and enmity."

[Sooratul-Maa'idah (5):2]

(3) To educate and to cultivate the Muslims upon their true Deen and calling them to act accordance to its rules and to cultivate in them selves its morality and manners , which will ensure Allaah's pleasure and result in their welfare and honor, being agreement with the Qur'anic description of the group who are saved from ruin :

"(Join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth and of patience and constancy."

[Sooratul-'Asr (103):3]

"On the contrary (He would say ), "Be you people of wisdom and knowledge for you have taught the Book and you have studied it earnestly.""

[Soorah Aal-'Imraan (3):79]

(4) To revive true Islaamic thought in light of the Book and the Sunnah and upon the way of as-Salaf us-Saalih of this Ummah and to remove the stagnated blind following of madhhabs (schools of thought) and blind adherence to parties, which has overcome the minds of many Muslims and distracted them from clear and pure Islaamic brotherhood , as demanded by the order of Allaah, the Majestic and Most High :

"Hold fast all together by the rope of Allaah and be not divided amongst yourselves."

[Soorah Aal-'Imraan (3):103]

And the saying of the Prophet:

" Be worshipers of Allaah and brothers ! "

[Reported by al-Bukhaaree and Muslim.]

(5) To provide practical Islaamic solutions for the present day problems and to strive for the returning to a true Islaamic way of life upon the way of the Prophet(S) and to bring about a society guided by the Revelation and for the Laws of Allaah to be applied upon the earth, beginning this process with correction (tasfiyah) and education and cultivation (tarbiyah), as Allaah, the Most High says:

"Instruct them in Scripture and Wisdom and purify them."

[Sooratul-Baqarah (2):129]

Whilst remembering the saying of our Lord , the One free of all imperfections, to His Prophet (S) :

"Whether We show you (in this life) some of what we promise them or We take your soul (to Our Mercy before that),(in any case ) it is to Us that they shall return."

[Sooratul-Ghaafir (40):77]

And realising the Sharee'ah principle : "He who seeks to hasten to bring something about before its appointed time is punished by being deprived of its achivment."

(6) To cordially invite those who have not yet been blessed with the true knowledge and Guidence of Islaam which is the perfect final revealed Messeage of Allaah to His creation, so that they may realise the peace and contenment of this life and the eternal bliss of the Hearafter.

This is our call and we call opu all Muslims to assist us in shouldering this responsibility which will awaken and uplift them and to spread the perpetual message of Islaam to all coners of the earth, in sincere brotherhood and love , having full confidence in Allaah's aid and that He will indeed establish and grant authority to His righteous servants:

But honuor belongs to Allaah and His Messenger and to the Belivers.

[Sooratul-Munaafiqoon (63):8]

It is He who has sent His Messenger with the Guidance and the Religion of Truth. That He makes it prevail over all religion, even though the pagans may detest (it).
